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Substantiation of energy efficient technology of biohumus manufacturing

To assess the effectiveness of the usage of technology and the search for effective biohumus production schemes the energy analysis has been done.

The source data for the analysis were requirements for the technology and technical means of production of biohumus (Fig. 1, 2, 3), and reference dates of energy volumes of agricultural machines, labor resources, energy resources, fertilizers, agricultural crops.


Figure 1. Technological schemes of the process of preparation of the substrate (composting):

1 – manure loading; 2 – manure transporting; 3 – loading, mixing and hilling;

4 – watering of hills; 5 – airing of hills.



Figure 2. Technological schemes of worm cultivation: 6 – hill formation; 611 – worm adding; 61 – worm feeding;
 7 – airing; 8 – separating of worms with substrate; 81 – unloading of worm compost; 9 – loading of straw;
10 – transporting of straw; 11 – smoothing of straw; 12 – unloading of straw.



Figure 3. Technological schemes of worm compost processing: 13 – first processing; 14 – biohumus
drying; 15 – biohumus grinding; 16 – separation into fractions of biohumus; 17 – separating of worms
from substrate; 18 – separating  of worm from biphumus and biohumus drying; 19 – transporting
of biohumus for storage; 20 – drying of biohumus on open air.

Table 1 – Results of calculations of energy intensity of substrate, worm compost and biohumus

Technological scheme
from figures

Energy intensity, MJ/kg


Worm compost










Fig.1а, 2а




Fig.1а, 2в




Fig.1б, 2а




Fig.1б, 2б




Fig.1а, 2а, 3а




Fig.1а, 2а, 3в




Fig.1а, 2а, 3г




Fig.1а, 2б, 3б




Fig.1б, 2а, 3а




Fig.1б, 2а,3в




Fig.1б, 2а, 3г




Fig.1б, 2б, 3б




Fig. 1б, 2б, 3в





Energy effective technologies of production of marketable biohumus are the following:

biohumus production according scheme Fig.1а, 2а, 3в – Energy intensity of biohumus 2,106 MJ/kg;

biohumus production according scheme Fig.1б, 2а, 3в – Energy intensity of biohumus 2,070 MJ/kg;

biohumus production according scheme Fig.1б, 2б, 3в – Energy intensity of biohumus 2.040 MJ/kg.

Key words: energy efficient technology, worms compost, worms, biohumus, energy intensity biohumus.



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