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Spring barley yields dependence on hydrothermal conditions of the growing season in the Central Forest Steppe of Ukraine
The article presents the analysis of influence of edaphic factors on the breeding process in a number of agricultural crops, which is related to the change of research area.
Plant productivity was constantly increasing during the process of evolution and natural selection due to adaptation to the environment. Plants and soil interaction is of special importance for this process.
The locations of the research for individual crops selection was changed from two to four times in more than 90-year of operation of BilaTserkva experimental breeding and researching station.
In 2010, at the meeting of Scientific and Technical Council of Bila Tserkva experimental breeding and research station oSydorchuk V.I. was the first who reported about the influence of edaphic factors on the selection process of spring vetch caused by changing of the research location. During the discussion the participants of the meeting concluded, that research relocation affected the breeding results of polyploid sugar beets, one seed sugar beets and winter wheat positively.
The stuff of polyploid sugar beets laboratory breeding resorted twice the change of the research area. After relocation of experiments from the "Olexandria" station to the "Lenin" station for 17 years the best areas for selection of following species were determined: Bilotserkivskiy polyhybrid 19; Bilotserkivskiy polyhybrid 30, Bilotserkivskiy polyhybrid 41, Blotserkivskiy MS (Male sterility) 32. After another selection of polyploid sugar beets relocation to the station “Selektsiyne”, in following 20 years of work 6 more hybrids based on male sterility were registered and pased the State Species Testing: Bilotserkivskiy MS 51, Bilotserkivskiy MS 57, Oleksandria, Kaveros, Bilotserkivskiy MS 90, BTs SID. Hybrid "Alexandria" was the national standard.
Also relocation of the research from station “Oleksandriya” to station “Selktsiyniy” positively affected winter wheat in the 1990’s. The following species were registered passed State Species Testing successfully: Bilotserkivska semi-dwarf (1999); Perlyna Lisostepu and Olesya ( 2001) which are highly demanded in production up to now. Selection of these species was a significant impetus for further work.
Over the 80 year period of spring vetch breeding on Bila Tserkva Experimental breeding station location of the research was changed 4 times. And as in case of other species, considerable achievements were received after relocation of researches from the “Oleksandriya” station to the “Leninske” station first, and later on to the “Selektsiyne” station. 18 species were selected, located and registered in 30 years, four of them – Bilotserkivska 222, Bilotserkivska 88, Bilotserkiivska 7, Yaroslava – were national standards. Bila Tserkva spring vetch breeds dominate in Ukrainian crop cultivation for 30 years.
However, difficult processes which can be considered as obstacles for further progress are occurring. The third route of the first scientific rotation is finished. By the end of the third rotation in 2008 and 2009 it was found out, that seed productivity on the breeding areas of 3.5 ha located in the first rotation was 16.6 cwt/ha on average. The same species grown during the same years in the second scientific rotation, where spring vetch was not grown for 30 years, 25 cwt/ha from the area of 20 ha was received on average in two years, which is 8.8 cwt/ha or 1,5 times more, which indicates the productivity depression in the first rotation. Conducting genotypes productivity assessment on a plot with the yield decreased by 1.5 times arouses doubt on the selection efficacy. Therefore, selection work has to be relocated to the new area urgently.
Key words: natural selection, sugar beet, spring vetch, winter wheat.
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