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Sowing time and row-spacing width influence on peppermint plants productivity formation

The research was conducted to determine the optimum time for peppermint planting, their influence on the formation of green mass and the yield of plants. We have conducted phenological observations on the growth and development of peppermint plants, established influence of the technology practices on differences in their biometric parameters. Peculiarities of productivity formation depending on the sowing time and its spatial distribution in the given crop have been studied. Increase in the interrow spacing (45 cm) improve the individual performance of peppermint (weight of plants, number and weight of inflorescences). The later date of sowing time (20 May) contributed to the formation a greater number of shoots, leaves and inflorescences on the plant, which are used for medicinal purposes.
The Podillya is a favourable region for peppermint cultivation, but in order to obtain a high yield of the crop green mass, it is necessary to conduct selection of the varieties and apply the optimal technology method.
The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of peppermint planting, its optimal placing in the area on productive mass formation.
Phenological observation of the crop growth and development conducted during the vegetation showed more rapid beginning of budding phase at the beginning of seedlings planting – April 20.
The linear growth of plants in the early planting period (20 April) was the largest in the variant with 15 cm row-spacing width and in the flowering period it made 38.6 cm that was 12.2 cm more than 45 cm row-spacing.
Though peppermint plants grow slowly during the budding phase (2-3 cm per decade), in the period from budding to flowering, the growth rate of plants increased by 11.0 − 17.8 cm.
The maximum leaf area of the mint was noted at planting time –May 10 and 45 cm row-spacing − 7,86 cm2 in the period of budding and flowering.
The spatial arrangement of plants in the area (row spacing) affected the leaf surface area. The maximum value was marked under 15 cm row-spacing while under 45 cm row-spacing this figure made only 1.30 − 3.67 m2.
The main indicator of individual productivity of peppermint is the green mass of plants and inflorescences. Correlation of green mass parts changed in the process of the crop growth and development.
The leaf mass was 2.1 − 3.1 g or 37.5 − 38.3 % in the phase of budding. The leaf mass was 4.7 − 7.8 g and 38.0 −
 51.7 % in the period of flowering.
Sowing the sprouts with 15 cm row-spacing improve the mass of leaves in the budding phase in comparison with the
45 cm row-spacing by 8,1 g and the mass of leaves increased by 13,7% in the period of flowering. Higher density of plants in the area (15 cm row-spacing) contributed to the formation of a larger mass of inflorescences, asince it formed a larger number of first order productive shoots. A large mass of stems (5,1 g) was noticed under 45 cm row-spacing in the period of flowering, but the quantity of inflorescences was lower on branched stems of 2nd and 3rd orders.
The data analysis reveal that the maximum values 7,9 kg/10m2  green mass was obtained under the sowing-time of April 20 and 45 cm row- spacing.
The sowing peppermint in later periods (May 1 and May 10) resulted in  lower yields of green mass 1.1 – 1.7 kg/10 m2. The increase in row-spacing width (45 cm) resulted in the growth of peppermint productivity which made 5.4 – 7.9 kg/10m2.
Key words: peppermint, seedlings sowing time, row-spacing, productivity, leaf apparatus.



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