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Some features of formation of fruit biochemical parameters in industrial apple orchards in Lviv region for au-tumn and winter ripening terms
Apple is the main fruit crops in Ukraine. Formation of the biochemical composition of any fruit crops, except the varietal characteristics, is predetermined by weather conditions of the growing season and the cultivation area, i.e. by the geographical variability. One can observe certain patterns – namely, content of ascorbic and other organic acids increases from south to north and from east to west, and the solids content and sugar, on the contrary, decreases. The conditions of Lviv region are recommended for commercial gardening and berry growing as there are powerful processing industries in this region, for which raw materials with the biochemical parameters specified is a necessary condition for sustainable performance.
The research aimed to study the features of basic biochemical parameters accumulation in most common varieties of apple varieties of autumn and winter ripening in Lviv region and to distinguish the best varieties for use both fresh and for waste-free processing.
The study revealed varietal features that characterize the nutritional value of the fruit. The dry matter content ranged 12.98-16.85 % for autumn varieties and 12.37-16.1 % for winter varieties. In turn, sugar content ranged from 8.75 to 14.09 % for the autumn varieties and 9.25 to 14.9 % for the winter ones. By these indicators varieties of autumn ripening – Greensleaves and Makintosh are to be distinguished, for winter ripening – Remo, Golden Delicious, Spartan and Champion.
Also, a significant fluctuations of organic acids for autumn varieties – within 0.51-0.68 and within 0.27-0.95 for winter varieties were observed. The optimal sour-and-sweet consumer taste of fruit was in fruit characterized by acid-sugar index ranged within 12-16, and the sweet taste of the above index of 21.0. In terms of sugar-acid index it can be argued that all analyzed varieties are characterized by high flavor qualities and can be used for both eating fresh and for direct extraction, concentrated juices and purees. Golden Delicious and Spartan varieties, in which the content of organic acids was the lowest and amounted to 0.27 and 0.34 respectively should also be noted.
Fruit production contains a large amount of biologically active substances that play an important role in the prevention of various diseases. These compounds include vitamins, polyphenols and other compounds. Vitamin C and R are to be emphasized in the analysis of the content of bioactive substances. Based on the results, it can be argued that all varieties make indispensable raw material for various functional food containing a wide assortment of biologically active substances.
An essential requirement for the operation of low-waste processing plants – is producing additional by-products increasing the profitability. Pectin is one of these products. Among the analyzed varieties the ones with a high content of pectin can be distinguished – Greensleaves, Makintosh, Slava Pobeditelyu, Remo, Spartan and Champion. The total content of pectin in these varieties ranges from 1.07 to 1.285 %.
Key words: apple varieties, dry matter, sugars, pectin, vitamin C.
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