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Soil cultivation systems and fertilizer levels influence on its biological activity under barley
Soil cultivation - is one of the agriculture system and crop production technologies basic elements. Among the factors that affect on yield, soil particle is 7,5-17,4%, that indicating operations process and energy amount importance.
Soil cultivation had a significant impact on changing nitrogen and ash elements content and availability of plant nutrition in soil is very important and timely.
Fertility preservation and restoration important condition is ensuring ecological agro-ecosystems balance and microorganism’s activity. Among the soil microflora important functions is its participation in the humus formation processes, carbon cycle and in biologically active substances synthesis.
In the early of twentieth century V.R. Williams emphasized that active microorganism’s activity is occured by plowing than soil cultivation.
According to V. Yamkovyi the linen fabric decomposition intensity in the soil after polytsevyy and bezpolytsevyy soil cultivation was almost the same. However, under the ploskoriznoyi and surface systems are observed biological activity in the soil layer 0-10 cm intensity, which in the layer 10-20 and 20-30 cm decreases, and it is the cultivation lack.
In this connection, the goal of our study was the soil cultivation and fertilizer levels influence determines on its biological activity under the barley.
Crops farming equipment in the experiment is typical for research institutions and advanced farms zone. Under the barley growing was used the same machines, tools and equipment, which manufacturing farms are equipped. This was aided by the engineering field experiments technique and organization. As mentioned above, the area under the variants and areas is sufficient in size for the conventional units application.
In our researches, soil biological activity evaluation we spent by the linen fabric decomposition intensity in soil and the selected carbon dioxide number. It is known that carbon dioxide is the organic matter end product mineralization and therefore respiration rate (selection of carbon dioxide) may serve as an indicator of soil biological activity.
In our researches soil biological activity in the rotation is somewhat higher and observed by the polytsevyy system than by the combination and long shallow. The lowest figure was by the bezpolytsevyy systematic cultivation. Thus, in the early of barley growing season (from 1 till May 30) for the control cultivation system the maximal soil biological activity was observed in the layer of 0-10 cm, which made fertilizer and stubble remains, and in the layers 10-20 and 20-30 cm biological activity was decreased. By the combined and extended shallow cultivation was observed similar tendency. The highest biological activity of 0-10 cm soil layer is clamped by the systematic bezpolytsevyy cultivation. Thus, during this period, the linen reducing to the initial mass in the layers 0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm soil being respectively: by the systematic polytsevyy cultivation of – 17.8, 16.5 and 15.1%, systematic bezpolytsevyy – 21.9, 13.3 and 10.7%, combined – 19.7; 14.6 and 12.0-20.1 %, long shallow – 14.3 and 11.6%.
During the barley growing season the arable layer biological activity by black soil polytsevyy cultivation increases due to the microorganisms spread throughout its profile.
Within two months (from May 1 till June 30) linen fabric weight reduction in 0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm soil layers amounted to: by the systematic polytsevyy cultivation of 28.3, 27.3 and 23.2 %, systematic bezpolytsevyy – 33.4, 22.9 and 17.1, by the combined – 30.3, 26.1 and 19.3 and a long shallow – 30.3, 25.9 and 19.3%.
The difference in linen fabric weight reducing in the arable layer under barley for the period of the 1 to 30 May and from the 1 May to 30 June amounted to – 1.2 and 1.8% by the systematic bezpolytsevyy, 1.1 and 1.1 % by the combined system and 1.2 and 1.1 %long shallow – for systematic polytsevyy system. In May the number of carbon dioxide evolved per day, according to a systematic polytsevyy system was 6187.0 mg/m2, systematic bezpolytsevyy – 5830.7, 5849.3 by the combined system and continuous shallow – 5901.5 mg/m2, in June 8194.1, 7898.1, 7913.3 and 7990.6 mg/m2, respectively.
The great importance in the soil biological activity regulating belongs to the cultivation systems. In the rotation soil higher biological activity was observed by the polytsevyy system than the combination and long shallow.
The highest biological activity of 0-10 cm soil layer was clamped by the bezpolytsevyy systematic cultivation. Within in two months (from May 1 till June 30) was observed a linen fabric weigh decrease in 0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm soil layers.
Key words: soil treatment, the level of fertilizer, soil biological activity and barley.
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