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Selection of melon varieties and hybrids for cultivation in greenhouses for solar heating
Experimental work carried out during the years 2009-2011 at the Kiev Experimental Station of the Institute of Vegetables and Melons. The study was conducted in greenhouses on the solar heating area of 500 m2. Preceded by - sweet pepper. Seedlings were grown in a glass greenhouse winter and spring. Seeds were sown in plastic pots 10x10 cm during the second decade of April. Melon seedlings planted in the greenhouse when the soil temperature in the morning at a depth of 10 cm was 14-15 °C.
According Kiev Experiment Station, the most critical for plant growth and development melon during 2009-2011 period were the weather conditions in May. Temperature and humidity fluctuated considerably. The minimum temperature in May was 5-7 °C, i.e below the minimum for melons (10 °C). The average daily relative humidity for 2009 was at 60 % and in 2010 – 82 %. Changes in temperature and humidity caused subsidence of the first flowers and ovaries. This would extend the length of the ripening of the first fruits.
The first and last melon fruit harvested selectively, next - at regular intervals. Maturity of fruit was determined by the ease of separation of the fruit from the stalk, the softening of the final part, yellowing, the emergence and strengthening of the hybrid characteristic flavor.
We studied 40 spices of melons, including the new ones that came on the market: Evdokia (Russia), Assol F1 (Russia), Yuzhnaya zvezda (Russia) Sympathy F1 (Russia), Gull (Ukraine), Melba (Russia), Roxolana F1 (Netherlands), Holdi F1 (France). Control were: Council F1 hybrid and variety Titovka (for quick and Middle), Samara (for middle). Repeated-time in the nursery. Discount land area was 5 m2.
For the duration of the period from germination to fruit ripening first medium (70-80 days) were the following varieties and hybrids of melon: Temptation F, Roxolana F1, Holdi F1, Evdokia, Melba, seagull, Hoprynka, Sympathy F1, Yuzhnaya zvezda. Among them were those in which the length of the growing season would be shortened, or was on par with the control of the Council of F1 and Titovka where thisfigure averaged over three years by 74 and 75 days.
By the middle of varieties and hybrids (80-90 days) were classified such as: Valenciano, Honeydew, Fortune, Buharka, Alina, gonna F1. The first fruits of them ripening on average three years for 1-2 days before grade 3 control Samara (85 days), but the variety Buharka (86 days).
The yield of melon hybrids, on average over three years of research, was lower than the control F1 and the Council constituted under 0.5 (Holdi F1) to 1.2 kg/m2 (Sympathy F1). The highest rate was observed in this hybrid Goldie - 4.5 kg/m2.
In 2009 the highest yield varieties characterized Medium gull and Hoprynka respectively 5.4 and 5.1 kg/m2, whereas when control Titovka this figure was only 4.8 kg/m2. At the lowest it has been in grades Melba (3.7 kg/m2) and Yuzhnaya zvezda (3.7 kg/m2).
Over 2010 varieties yield Evdokia and gull control Titovka exceeded by 0.7 and 1.3 kg/m2. The low she was in grade Yuzhnaya zvezda - 3.4 kg/m2.
Yield middle grades were not significantly higher than the control variant Samara and in 2011 was 6.5 kg/m2. The highest figures were in grade Alina – 5.7 kg/m2, the lowest – 2.9 kg/m2 in class Valenciano.
On average over three years of research (2009-2011) yield only some Middle samples was essential in comparison with the control variant. Thus, the rate of the class seagull, was 5.9 kg/m2, which is 1.4 kg/m2 greater than control Titovka where it was 4.5 kg/m2. This can be explained by the fact that the variety was great fruits that average weight was 1.5 kg, while in other samples it was 1.2 or 1.3 kg.
The average weight of a standard fetus in Middle hybrids and middle grades did not exceed, or was on par with control of the Council of F1 and Samara. Plants hybrids formed small fruits mass from 1.0 to 1.3 kg, which is typical for quick forms. In the middle grades melons are options where the figure was 1,0 (Honeydew), 1,2 kg (Alina, Valenciano) and samples with higher fruit weight of 1.7 (Fortune) to 1.9 kg (Buharka).
As a result of the research material collection is divided into early melon varieties and hybrids, with the duration of the vegetation period of 70-80 days and the middle, where the figure was 80-90 days. The highest average yield and marketable fruit weight was observed in grades Seagull, Samara, Buharka and Fortune.
Key words: melon, pellicle hothouse, sorts, hybrid, productivity, mass, commodity, garden-stuff.
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