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Selection features of tobacco in order to increase heterosis effect

Our purpose is the plant-breeding process reduction and increase of application possibilities of different selection methods. The development of method is begun because of a plant-breeding method application and apomixis selection method for the purpose of fixing an effect of heterosis. On the basis of previous experiments, possibility of plant-breeding process reduction is set on 4-6 years with fixing heterosis effect and the brief chart of seed production with introduction in short terms a new varieties.

Actuality of theme is conditioned to the necessity of domestic tobacco industry as for raw material of tobacco, which is not grown in our country. Therefore main conception  is the creation of new varieties. For this decision it is necessary to define scientifically grounded researches with the use of different plant-breeding genetic methods, and properly set up production of sorts-apomikt with a brief plant-breeding process and fastened effect of heterosis. For this purpose necessary to pick up paternal forms with high ability.

Basic experiments were executed by the Transcarpathion state experimental station of APV NAANU institute in the Carpathians region. It is a typical area of the tobacco growing in the Transcarpathion area with  proper ground condition and climatic terms which stipulate the production of raw material. The sorts of domestic selection and world collection are used as the raw material.

The most attracted sorts of own selection are Spectrum, Berley 9/10, Braviy 200, Simvol 4, Berley 7, Zhovtolistiy 36 and sort of the Hungarian selection Pologi shargo. It is  found that after the statistical working  on the  biometrical quantitative features of first generation hybrids, only minor part deserves attention for a further plant-breeding process. From the biometrical indexes of quantitative signs the height of plants, amount of sheets and their sizes, were taken into account. The height of plants does not influence directly on the productivity, however determines the process of leaves collection. The optimum size of plants varies within the limits of 155-185 cm of paternal forms, and hybrid forms with the biddest effect of heterosis on this feature - 185-230 cm.

It is also found that among the studied hybrid combinations of the best selected paternal form of Pologi shargo/Braviy 200 have advantage after the height of plants 231 cm against 180. The same effect was from combination Spectrum/Braviy 200. Within the limits of 205-204 cm against 180 cm from the best paternal pair of such combinations as Berley 7/Braviy 200, Berley 7/Berley 9/10 and Berley 9/10/Braviy 200. It is found that as a result of the detailed analysis of hybrid combinations, that in spite of importance of maternal form, which has important dominant signs, Braviy 200 is the valuable component in paternal form. Berley 7 and Berley 9/10 in maternal form gives high indexes after the  growth of plants.

After the amount 21-27 pieces leaves of maternal and paternal forms, exceeding  results of the followings combinations: to 26 pieces  from hybrids Berley 7/Pologi shargo, Pologi shargo/Spectrum; to 30 pieces from the hybrid form Berley 9/10/Spectrum, that characterized with the most  obvious effect of heterosis.

During the detailed analysis of such characteristic as length of leaves which are from 46 to 61 cm of the maternal form and exceeding of hybrids on 20-22 cm (Berley 7/Simvol 4, Simvol 4/Berley 7, Berley 7/Pologi shargo and Berley 7/Berley 9/10 ). From this characteristic studied paternal forms of sort Berley 7 are leading with length of leaves 60 cm and  81 cm for maternal form in combination with the sort Simvol 4, but  their leaves were not so large as Pologi shargo and Berley 9/10.

The index of width of leaves was taken into account, where parameters are set from 23 to 27 cm of maternal and paternal form and advantage of hybrid forms from 31 cm (Zhovtolistiy 36/Berley 9/10), to 41 cm (Berley 7/Berley 9/10, Berley 7/Braviy 200).

A leader of this characteristic was also selected sort Berley 7 and Berley 9/10, which in maternal form provided the high indexes of heterosis effect in a pair  with a sort Braviy 200. During research were used hybrids with a greater amount and size of leaves.  Leaves with lager width had more advantage as a potential index of the productivity increase. The apomiktiv method means that hybrids which had reproduction by this metod  had the high indexes of the productivity had the more attractive appearance and combination of basic morphological characteristics of optimum size.

Used varieties of tobacco have a broad range of morphological characteristics and most of them are good component for obtaining a high  index of heterosis for quantitative characteristics.

Performance of tobacco hybrids heterosis  is connected with inheritance of complex quantitative characteristics which in general determine the capacity and the development of hybrid, depending on where the component mating the genetic potential.

Important role in the selection performance takes the research-based selection of original forms and their place in the genetic crossing. In the selection of  sorts and genetic crossing result it should be noted that a number of characteristics that are correlated with yield and quality controlled in most cases from the parent form.

Key words: tobacco, varieties, crossbreeding, hybrids heterosis.


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