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Selection of adaptive varieties of soft winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) for the subzone of the transition of the southern part of the right bank Forest-steppe to the Northern Steppe
The aim is to screen newly registered wheat varieties with a soft winter crop based on the level of productivity and adaptive properties for the purpose of selecting genotypes with increased adaptive potential for agroecological conditions of the sub-zone of the transition of the southern part of the Right Bank Forest-steppe to the Northern Steppe. Methods: field, statistical, analytical, comparative.
The level of productivity and adaptive properties of 47 newly registered varieties of winter wheat was studied. It is established, that the studied grades differed from each other on degree of resistance to biotic and abiotic factors of environment, in the varying weather conditions and stress loads their genetic potential realize differently. During the years of study, the productivity of varieties ranged from 3.78 to 6.90 t/hectare. The most adapted to the agroecological conditions of the
microzones of the variety plant are grades: Oriyka, Limarivna, Smuglyanka, Sotnitsya, Zlatoglava, Melodiya odesskaya, Shchedrist odesskaya and Mudrist odesskaya. Their productivity for years of researches made 5,82-6,08 t/hectare, significantly exceeding the standard and the average indicator on experience. Limarivna and Oriyka's grades are true leaders among the studied new genotypes. In some years of researches high productivity was formed by other grades. In 2016 on productivity exceeded the standard and an indicator of an average experience grades Shestopavlivka and Zolotokolosa; in 2017 Askaniyskaya, Cyrene, Tura, Metalist. In extreme conditions 2017 on grain productivity first place was won by a grade Askaniyskaya, creating a productivity of 6,90 t/hectare, exceeded the standard on 1,2 and an average experience on
1,01 t/hectare. Varieties: Obryad, Vigen, Magistral, Otrada, Montrej, Gurt, Midas were not adapted to the agroecological conditions of the sub-zone, especially on the signs of drought resistance, endurance to stressful factors and varying weather conditions. The rigid drought and inadequate change of weather didn't correspond to biological properties of these genotypes, that led to the formation of low productivity. Grades: Mudrist odesskaya, Natalka, Askaniyskaya, Podolyanka, Zhitnitsa odesskaya, Oriyka, Shestopavlivka and others owned the best winter hardiness. Noticeable liquefaction of plants for the winter period is noted at grades Obryad, Otrada, Midas, Shpalivka. According to the freezing of grade's samples in freezers, it is established, that high winter-frost resistance is possessed by grades: Obryad, Vigen, Mudrist odesskaya, Enthusiasm, Magistral, Lille, Montrej, Orleans, Tura, Caen, Askaniyskaya, Natalka, Zlatoglava. The majority of grades were in a class above-average group of winter-frost hardiness.
microzones of the variety plant are grades: Oriyka, Limarivna, Smuglyanka, Sotnitsya, Zlatoglava, Melodiya odesskaya, Shchedrist odesskaya and Mudrist odesskaya. Their productivity for years of researches made 5,82-6,08 t/hectare, significantly exceeding the standard and the average indicator on experience. Limarivna and Oriyka's grades are true leaders among the studied new genotypes. In some years of researches high productivity was formed by other grades. In 2016 on productivity exceeded the standard and an indicator of an average experience grades Shestopavlivka and Zolotokolosa; in 2017 Askaniyskaya, Cyrene, Tura, Metalist. In extreme conditions 2017 on grain productivity first place was won by a grade Askaniyskaya, creating a productivity of 6,90 t/hectare, exceeded the standard on 1,2 and an average experience on
1,01 t/hectare. Varieties: Obryad, Vigen, Magistral, Otrada, Montrej, Gurt, Midas were not adapted to the agroecological conditions of the sub-zone, especially on the signs of drought resistance, endurance to stressful factors and varying weather conditions. The rigid drought and inadequate change of weather didn't correspond to biological properties of these genotypes, that led to the formation of low productivity. Grades: Mudrist odesskaya, Natalka, Askaniyskaya, Podolyanka, Zhitnitsa odesskaya, Oriyka, Shestopavlivka and others owned the best winter hardiness. Noticeable liquefaction of plants for the winter period is noted at grades Obryad, Otrada, Midas, Shpalivka. According to the freezing of grade's samples in freezers, it is established, that high winter-frost resistance is possessed by grades: Obryad, Vigen, Mudrist odesskaya, Enthusiasm, Magistral, Lille, Montrej, Orleans, Tura, Caen, Askaniyskaya, Natalka, Zlatoglava. The majority of grades were in a class above-average group of winter-frost hardiness.
In the sub-zone of experiments, grades: Smuglyanka, Limarivna, Aurik, Wisdom of Odessa, Sotnitsa, Askaniya, Zlatoglava have an increased adaptive potential and are capable of forming high yields.
Key words: productivity, adaptability, winter hardiness, drought resistance.
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