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The role of genetic and biological features of plants in the formation of the sugar beet harvest at different sowing times

This article studied the influence of sowing dates of various biological forms of sugar beet on the productivity of root crops in specific soil and climatic conditions. The role of sowing dates on seed germination, the dynamics of the formation and drying of sugar beet leaves, the number of functioning leaves during the growing season, as well as the dynamics of the growth of the leaf surface area of sugar beets depending on varietal characteristics and sowing dates are shown.

Both the lack and the excess of any factor negatively affect the productivity of plants. Therefore, when developing agricultural techniques for crop cultivation, it is important to take into account the timing of sowing, the specifics of the action of mineral fertilizers, the genetic properties of hybrids, climatic and weather conditions, soils, states of organogenesis, phases and interphase periods of plant growth and development.

Operational management of the process of crop formation, taking into account varietal characteristics, during the growing season by selecting the appropriate agrotechnical measures and the terms of their implementation should be carried out taking into account the state of crops and meteorological conditions. The scientific basis for agrotechnical measures is the theory of the dynamics of crop formation.

It was established that during the early sowing period, the reserves of productive moisture and nutrient reserves in the soil in the first half of the growing season are greater than in the later ones, which ensures the rapid development of the root system, the growth of the leaf surface, the increase in the mass of root crops and the accumulation of sugar in them. The highest yield of root crops and sugar yield per hectare was obtained when sowing triploid hybrid Okhtyrskyi and diploid hybrid ICB 0902 during the first sowing periods. Sowing beets five days later reduced yield by 3.8 t/ha and sugar content by 0.1 %. Late sowing dates sharply reduced the yield and sugar content of root crops.

Key words: sugar beet, germination, yield, oneseeded, sugar content, sugar collection.


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