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Rizogenetis ability of green stem cuttings of sea buckthorn sorts (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) depending on the effect of biologically active substances
The results of rizogenetic ability of green stem cuttings of perspective sorts of sea buckthorn are presented. It was found that on the territory of Right-Bank Steppe of Ukraine not all sorts of sea buckthorn green stem cuttings are characterized by high regenerative capacity while rooting in the condition of fine wet. The data obtained during breeding gave the opportunity to separate studied sorts and forms of sea-buckthorn into three groups - with light, average and low morphogenic regenerative ability. The optimal terms of the green stem cuttings of sea buckthorn are determined. Cuttings’ regenerative ability much depends on the timing of cutting, sort of sprout and their metameric characteristics.
The impact of biologically active substances on root formation effectiveness is analised. The most effective concentration is found. It’s positive influence on the formation and development of root and aerial parts is shown up. It is determined that considering of rhythms of growth and shoots’ development with definition of optimal timing of their cutting and α-NOC using in 10-15 mg/l concentration gives the opportunity to get maximum yield of rooted cuttings with well-developed root system in the shortest possible time.
Studied research improves technological aspects of the sorts of sea buckthorn own rooted breeding.
Key words: sea buckthorn, sorts, biologically active substances, cutting, root formation, terms of cutting.
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