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The quality of winter wheat grain under various nutrition conditions in the long-term stationary experiment
The paper shows that the conditions of plant nutrition under germination and at the first stages of organogenesis affect considerably the quality of winter wheat seeds. It is noteworthy that the basis of winter wheat yield is formed under sowing.
Thus, under field conditions of the long-term stationary experiment Myronivska 65 winter wheat variety was sown after two foregoing crops-peas and corn for silage at a rate of 5.5 mln germinable seeds per 1 ha within the optimal terms with C3 – C3.6 seeder in the assembly with MT3 – 80 tractor.
The scheme of the experiment was the following: 0. Control. 1. Manure 30 t/ha. 2. Manure 30 t/ha + N60P40K40; 3. N60P40K40;
4. P40; 5. N60P40; 6. N120P80K80; 7. P40K40; 8. N60K40. Mineral fertilizers: ammonium niter, superphosphate, potassium chloride.
The phonological survey and the analysis of the yield structural elements were made in accordance with the technique of the State service of plant variety protection of Ukraine.
In autumn, after the completion of autumn vegetation, and in spring, after the restoration of vegetation, 75 plants from every variant were selected and planted in the soil hothouse of phytotron.
The vegetative research was conducted in the phytotron soil hothouse, soil bath and polyethylene cylinders.
Before seeding plant in the soil hothouse, furrows of 4 – 5 cm depth were made. Plants were distributed in the furrows at the distance of 3 – 4 cm, the root system of the plants were covered with soil. After seeding, the plants were watered.
The technological indices of grain quality were determined in a certified laboratory of Ukraine’s NAAS Institute of Agroecology and nature management. The general contents of nitrogen compounds in plants were detected through the photometric method using Nessler reagent: Phosphorus was detected photometrically using the method of Deniges in the modification of A. Levitsky. Potassium was detected by means of flame photometer.
When analyzing the protein content in the grain of winter wheat witch was grown under field conditions of long-term stationary experiment depending on nutrition conditions and foregoing crops (corn for silage and peas) it has been established that on the average during 2008 – 2010 a comparatively larger content of protein was obtained from growing winter wheat with peas as a foregoing crop (9.5%), whereas with corn for silage as a foregoing crop this figure amounted to 8.7%. It is noteworthy that this index was comparatively high in 2009 due to more favorable conditions of the vegetation period.
After growing under various nutrition conditions of the long-term stationary experiment, winter wheat plants were transplanted to the soil hothouse in autumn. It should be noted that a comparatively higher content of protein was observed in the grain of plants grown after peas as a foregoing plant. On the average these indices amounted to 11.2 and 9.0% respectively.
This difference amounted to 0.5%, whereas the plant transplantation in autumn this figure was 2.2%.
As far as the variants of nutrition with respect to a definite foregoing crop are concerned, the investigation results testify that complete mineral fertilizer in combination with organic fertilizers (N60P40K40 + 30 t/ha of manure), as well as complete mineral fertilizer in combination with N120P80K80 provide for a comparatively higher content of protein in grain.
The plants with these nutrition variants when transplanted both in autumn and in spring have a higher content of protein content under their further transplantation in the conditions of the soil hothouse.
Key words: winter wheat, grain quality, condition of nutrition, foregoing crop, soil hothouse.
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