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Productivity of winter wheat after application of “Tryatlon” herbicide and “Emistym С” growth regulator

Unfortunately, no sufficient attention is paid to the problem of production quality, implementation of agricultural works, standardization, metrology and certification, and this, in its own right, has a significant impact on social-and-economic results of the development of Ukraine. Modern plant growing can not be carried out without using fertilizers, growth regulators, weed control preparations. At the same time, intensive application of pesticides and agrochemicals in plant growing is not always justifiable and scientifically proved since it is accompanied by environmental pollution and soil fertility decrease. Therefore, the development of technologies increasing yielding capacity of crops which are environmentally friendly for the environment and human health is a current problem of modern agricultural production.

Therefore, it updates the need for a comprehensive study of this issue in the relevant branch which will allow suggesting the ways for improving environmentally friendly products growing in crop production and increase of winter wheat productivity.

The effect of “Tryatlon” herbicide in the rate of 30, 40, 50 g/ha together with “Emistym C” plant growth regulator in the rate of 20 ml/ha for the purpose of formation of ecologically balanced production, improvement of plant nutrition and their protection was studied in the field and laboratorial researches during 2015-2017.

In our experiments, studied preparation showed a high efficiency in weed control which contributed to the formation of high crop yield. However, winter wheat yield depended on the rate of preparation application and its combined use with the growth regulator, as well as the weather conditions occurred during the years of research.

It should be noted that yielding capacity of winter wheat decreased along with increasing the rate of “Tryatlon” up to 50 g/ha both under applying the  herbicide alone, and in a tank mixture with “Emistym C”. It can be concluded that the use of herbicide together with “Emistym C” gave the opportunity to receive a greater increase in yield up to 7.8 cwt/ha than applying only “Tryatlon” (up to 2.8 cwt/ha) while analyzing data on yielding capacity of winter wheat.

Thus, in average for the research years, the highest yield of winter wheat was received in variants with the use of “Tryatlon” with rate of 40 g/ha applied together with “Emistym C” which was 53.4 cwt/ha in comparison with the control variant – 45.6 cwt/ha which indicated about a high efficiency of a tank mixture in winter wheat crops and about a positive effect on growing processes.

The main purpose for winter wheat growing as the main grain food crop is to get a good yield with a high content of protein and gluten in it. Therefore, the grain quality of winter wheat has a great importance equally with yielding capacity.

In general, we can conclude that the variants had a positive effect on the grain quality, in particular, on the content of protein and gluten in the process of studying all the variants used in the experiments. During the research period, protein content of winter wheat ranged within 12.6-14.2 % and the content of gluten was 23.8-28.0 %.

The quality of winter wheat significantly depended on used preparation which consisted of various variants and rates of “Tpyatlon” herbicide. In average, during the researches, protein content of winter wheat was 11.6 % in the control variant, while it increased up to 12.6 % with using only “Emistym C”, and it was 13.1-13.7 % in the variants with “Tryatlon”. The highest protein content in winter wheat was observed with combined application of “Tryatlon” with “Emistym C” and it was within 13.2-14.2 %. However, content of protein decreased to 13.1 and 13.2 % respectively while increasing the rate of applied herbicide to 50 g/ha separately and together, which was obviously due to the suppression of physiological processes in the period of grain ripen.

The regularities determined in gluten content change in winter wheat grain repeated the changes in protein content.

Thus, content of gluten in the control variant was 22.3 %, it varied from 26.8 to 28.0 % and from 24 to 26.7 % respectively depending on the amount of applied herbicide, both together with plant growth regulator and separately. This figure was 23.8 % in the variant where only growth regulator was used. The highest content of gluten in winter wheat grain was observed at the rate of 40 g/ha used together with “Emistym C” and it was 28.0 % which was greater than the control variant by 25.6 %

Consequently, positive influence on the increase in productivity of winter wheat was made by application of “Tryatlon” herbicide in the optimum rate (40 g/ha) and “Emistym C” growth regulator (20 ml/ha) in comparison with other variants of the experiment. The tank mixture of “Tryatlon” (40g/ha) and “Emistym C” (20 ml/ha) facilitated to the highest yield which was greater than the control variant by 17 % and was 53.4 ctw/ha on average for three years and improved the quality of grain. Content of protein and gluten in winter wheat grain was higher on average by 22.4 and 25.6 % that was 14.2 and 28.0 % respectively in comparison with the control variant.

Key words: productivity, yielding capacity, quality, herbicide, “Tryatlon”, plant growth regulator, “Emistym C”, content of protein in grain, content of gluten in grain, winter wheat, “Misia Odeska” sort.



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