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Productivity of root crops of hybrids of sugar beet of domestic, foreign and joint selection
On forming of root crops of sugar beets a number of factors influences with high technological quality, one of major is him of high quality features.
In a middle 90 of the last century Ukraine the seed of sugar beets of different foreign firms began elementally to enter without technological quality of root crops control in production terms. The wide applying in sugar-beet industry of highly productive foreign hybrids the selection of which was carried out in different from domestic ground-climatic terms and also technologies of growing, did not give the real increase a rendement.
In connection with the considerable increase of part of hybrids of foreign selection in an industrial beet grower by us comparative researches of the productivity of hybrids of sugar beets of different selections, which has most part in the production sowing of Ukraine, were conducted.
Modern technologies of production of sugar beets are impossible without the use of highly productive odnonasinnikh hybrids. To the state register of sorts of plants of Ukraine on 2013 year 137 hybrids of sugar beets of domestic and foreign selection are brought.
On January, 1, 2014 Register of sorts of plants of Ukraine contains 151 sorts and hybrids of sugar beets, in a that number
29 Ukrainian or 20% and 122 foreign (Germany of a 45 hybrid or 30%; Belgium is 19 hybrids - 13%; France – 18 hybrids - 12%, Sweden of a 6 hybrid - 4%; Italy of a 5 hybrid - 3%).
Domestic geterozisni hybrids (HS is hybrids) are brought to Register of sorts of plants of Ukraine after the productivity does not yield to the hybrids of foreign selection, which also as a result of sortoviprobuvan' are brought to Register of sorts of plants of Ukraine.
It is marked in works of domestic scientists, that potential of the productivity of root crops has the productivity of new CHS hybrids of ukrainskoy selection at the level of 60 t/ga and anymore, to collection of sugar – 10-12 t/ga.
The purpose of researches is a complex estimation of the productivity of modern hybrids of domestic, foreign and general selections on sowing during a vegetation and in the period of technical ripeness.
Experiments from determination of complex estimation of the productivity of hybrids of sugar beets of domestic, foreign and general selections conducted in 2013-2014 on NNDC BNAU. In the field experiments a registration plottage was 25 apt. m., the repeated is fourfold.
For researches were selected followings hybrids of sugar beets: hybrids of the Ukrainian selection (Ramzes, Prize, Uman CHs90), hybrid of general selection (Vorsar), hybrids of the German selection (firm KVS) (Olesya KVS, Nastya KVS), hybrids of the Swedish selection (firm Sengenta) (Newspaper, Attak).
By the conducted research the complex estimation of the productivity of hybrids of domestic, foreign and joint selections was studied on sowing during a vegetation and in the period of technical ripeness.
Information is got by us show potential of analysable materials in the conditions of central part Forest-steppes of Ukraine, which are in a position to provide implementation of all technology of growing of this industrial crop in full.
It is set that the increase of efficiency of sugar-beet production in the area of svekloseyaniya of every factory also depends on growing of hybrids rannespelykh and such, which arrive at a technical ripeness in a more late period.
Researches are executed by us confirm that as a result of pereduborochnogo inspection a sugar beet which already technically spelae can be selected. From our data at the beginning of harvest season it is possible to collect the hybrids of the Ukrainian selection (Umanskiy HS 90) and separate hybrids of foreign selections (Olesya, Newspaper).
Key words: sugar beet, hybrid, root crop, technical ripeness, density of planting.
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