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The photosynthetic productivity of sugar beet depending on the density of plants

The article contains the research results to determine the photosynthetic productivity of sugar beet. It was determined by its effect on yield and sugar content, depending on the density of plants in the right bank of the central forest-steppes in Ukraine.

It was founded that area of leaf surface depended on the plant density. The highest area of leaf surface received in the variant with a given final density of 101-110 thousand/ha. It is caused by the optimal area of ​​plant nutrition and the best formation of assimilation system of leaf surface. The lowest area of leaf surface was obtained by the density 136-145 thousand/ha - 39.8 thousand m2/ha, that is caused by the smaller area of plants nutrition and their competition in the using of solar energy, air and nutrients. The highest photosynthetic potential was received in the variant with optimum planting density 101-110 thousand plants/ha - 1.50 million m2 days / ha. With the increase of planting density from 111 to 145 thousand/ha the rate of photosynthetic potential of the sowing decreased. It is caused by the weak development and functioning of the leaf surface which reduces the sugar beet productivity. It was founded the optimal density planting of the sugar beet plants in the conditions of unstable humidifying zone of the central forest-steppes – 100-110 thousand/ha.

Key words: sugar beet, plant density, photosynthetic productivity, field germination, yield, sugar content.



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