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The peculiarities of the application of plant growth regulators in cultivation of coriander depending on different sowing terms in the conditions of the Forest-Steppe area of Ukraine

The statement of the problem. The management of the process of vegetable yield formation is the most important problem of modern vegetable growing. In this regard, the important components of modern technologies in the production of vegetable products are plant growth regulators.

The duration of coriander seed consumption is limited to the terms of receiving of the yield and its safety. Therefore the elongation of consumption of this product is actual both for science and for the production. It is solved on the basis of elaboration of the measures of early products receiving and their yield-capacity increase. Among them the application of plant growth regulators and the selection of the sowing terms for specific climatic conditions stand in the foreground. That can not only increase the yield-capacity, but also improve the quality and extend the terms of the receiving of the green products by the consumers and increase its total output per unit area.

The purpose and the objectives of the investigation. The study and substantiation of the growth and development of coriander seed plants in different terms of sowing with the use of plant growth regulators and the establishment of the most effective ones in the right-bank Forest-Steppe area of Ukraine.

The proceedings and the methodology of the investigation. In 2011-2013 on the black sod-podzol soil of the right-bank Forest-Steppe area of Ukraine the investigations of the effectiveness of the plant growth regulators application and the selection of the optimum terms of sowing were conducted.

Coriander was cultivated in a non-seedling way with the application of the plant growth regulators Lignohumat and Emistim C according to the location scheme 45х8 cm and density 277,8 thousand units/ha. The seeds were sown in the third decade of March, in the first decade of April, in the second decade of April, in the third decade of April and in the first decade of May. The second decade of April was selected as the controlled one. The program of the investigation was supposed to conduct phenological observations, biometric measurements, accountings of the total yield-capacity and the quality of the products.

The results of the investigation and their analysis. The analysis of the data obtained in the result of the growth and development of coriander seed plants on the black sod-podzol soil of the right-bank Forest-Steppe area of Ukraine showed that from the emergence of the shoots to the onset of the main phenological phases the shortest duration periods were in the term of late sowing, namely in the first decade of May.

While investigating the influence of the sowing terms and the plant growth regulators on the number of leaves of the coriander seed plant it should be mentioned that at harvest their number has doubled, from 3,3 – 4,5 pcs./plant to 6,3 – 8,1 pcs/plant for the application of Lignohumat and from 3,6 – 4,5 to 6,2 – 8,1 pcs/plant for the application of Emistim C.

The study of the influence of the sowing terms on the number of leaves on the plant revealed that during sowing of coriander seed in the third decade of March their quantity was higher, and regardless of the investigated variety reached a value of 8,1 pcs/plant. Fewer leaves formed the plants sown in the first decade of May.

It is proved that the greatest weight of the plant was obtained for the use of the early sowing terms. So, during the sowing in the third decade of March and in the first decade of April the weight of the plants for the use of Lignohumat on average in the years of the investigation has reached a rate of 11,3 – 11,6 g, which significantly exceeded the control variant 1,6 – 1,9 g. For the use of Emistim C accordingly the received weight was 9,5 – 9,9 g.

A basic assessment of the level of influence of the plant growth regulators and the sowing terms on the growth and development of the coriander seed plants is carried out according to the results of the analysis of the yield-capacity of the marketable green mass.

In average in the years of the investigation the highest level of the yield-capacity of the marketable green mass was obtained for the sowing of the seeds in the third decade of March – 2,8 – 3,3 tons/ha, lower level – for the sowing of the seeds in the first decade of May – 2,1 tons/ha. The analysis of the yield-capacity data showed that for the application of Lignohumat the level of the yield-capacity was higher than for the use of Emistim C, that allows to receive essential bonuses of yield-capacity 0,1 – 0,5 tons/ha.

Key words: plant growth regulators, sowing terms, biometric indicators, yield-capacity.



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