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Origin and agrobiological potential of the Umanska tsarivna soft winter wheat variety
The aim of the research was to create new high-yielding materials of soft winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) by interspecifc hybridization with winter spelt wheat (Triticum spelta L.). In the course of the research, crossbreeding of soft winter wheat varieties Columbia and Myronivska 65 was carried out among the crosses and subsequent hybridization of the obtained ofspring with the Zorya Ukrainy spelt winter wheat variety. Breeding sample 6274 was selected using multiple individual selections on morphological, biological and economically valuable indicators selected. The sample showed high productivity (7.21 t/ha), content gluten in grain (41.0 %) and complex resistance to adverse environmental factors, fungal diseases and pests for the period of competitive variety testing (2016–2018) in the Uman National University of Horticulture was characterized. Sample 6274 was transferred to the Ukrainian Institute of Plant Variety Examination in 2018 under the name Uman Princess, where during 2018–2020 its formal and qualifcation examination was conducted in 17 branches of different regions of Ukraine. During this period, the variety had a grain yield at the level of average indicators in the Polissya area (5.87 t/ ha) and was characterized by early ripening (growing season within 259–273 days), high resistance (8–9 points) to shedding, brown rust and Swedish fly. The baking properties of the variety are good: the strength of the flour is 182–253 units of alveograph, the volume of bread from 100 g of flour is 840–970 mm. The Uman Princess variety belongs to the middle-early group of plants. Distinguished by aligned stems and uniform maturation. According to the results of the qualifcation examination, the Umanska tsarivna variety was listed in the State Register of Plant Varieties Suitable for Distribution in Ukraine since 2020 and recommended for cultivation in the Polissya area.
Key words: soft wheat, spelt wheat, hybridization, selection, control testing.
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