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Organization of practical training facilities for landscape gardening specialists at Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University
Students professional training is formed primarily in the process of practical training. Landscape garden specialists professional training is relevant for the development of modern society and thus it requires continuous improvement in the field of higher education.
The article deals with the analysis of the organization of practical training facilities for specialists in landscape gardening in the structural unit of the Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University. 7 functional zones of the biostationary have been allocated, which ensures the rational use of the area and its scientific and educational activities. Among them, there are important zones: production, economical, exposition, collection, area for conducting practical classes on the creation of landscaping elements.
The training programs of the disciplines of professional training (Fundamentals of professional training, Dendrology, Floriculture, Planting of greenery of human settlements, Mechanization, Topiary art and others) provide the fulfillment of theoretical and practical tasks at the collection, exposition and production zones of the biostationary.
The collection fund of woody and herbaceous ornamental plants was investigated. According to the results of the inventory conducted in 2017, the tree-shrub vegetation fund of the BNAU biostationary comprises 122 species. The Pinophyta collection comprises 19 species and 39 decorative forms of Thuja occidentalis, Juniperus communis, J. sabina, J. procumbens,
J. squamata with various decorative qualities. Among Magnoliophyta the most numerous are the collections of Cotoneaster Medik., Magnolia L., Spiraea L. The collection of ornamental herbaceous plants includes 754 varieties, of which 66 species of Tagetes and 130 of Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees. Collection plots make a powerful practical base for reproduction agrotechnics masteringr, planting, plants care, and studying the species, form and varietal diversity of the represented plants. It teaches students to reasonably choose an assortment of sustainable and decorative species to create their own landscaping projects. Decorative plants for the formation of collections of biostationar were given by scientific and educational institutions, among them the National Botanical Garden, Botanical Garden of Kiev National University, botanical gardens of Ukrainian National Forestry University and of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kremenets Botanical Garden, National dendrological park “Sofiyivka” of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, dendrological park “Oleksandriya”, Institute of Horticulture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine and others.
Exposition plots on the biostationary show elements of planting as well as using decorative plants according to the type of plantings – rock garden, hedges, solitaries, landscape groups, artificial reservoirs, areas of topiar art, flowerbeds. These plots are subject to regular renovation during floriculture practices, landscaping of populated areas, garden and park construction, which encourages students to actively search and apply original ideas.
The irrigation system created on the biostationary station forms students' ability to use water in landscape landscapes, ornamental plantings. 57 species and cultivars of tree plants and 89 species and varieties of flower and ornamental plants are reproduced and grown in the garden center of the biostationary. The assortment is formed in accordance with the demand on the market of decorative gardening material. The activity of the garden center allows to receive the planting material and to involve students in the production process, to work out various technologies of reproduction of ornamental plants and to ensure the commercial quality of the planting material as well as to conduct experimental research.
Key words: practical training, garden-park economy, biostationary, collection, ornamental plants.
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