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Modern technologies efficiency in growing strawberries
Strawberries are valuable berry crops because of their chemical composition and medicinal properties. High yields of valuable plants can be obtained in the next year after loading spaces. In Ukraine in recent years, the area under this crop increased to 8,6 thousand hectares. While gross annual meeting is 50-60 thousand tons. This is 20-30% higher than other fruits, but at the same time, the annual consumption of strawberries in Ukraine per capita is only 1,24 kg. To a large extent, this situation is due to the old traditional technologies of growing strawberries, which does not ensure an early, high yield and quality.
At the present stage of the crop is extremely important the development and introduction of innovative technologies of fruits and berries, minimizing the use of resources, non-renewable, the acute need for compliance with environmental safety in production and so on.
The simplest technology of growing strawberries in greenhouses is use ridges using prepared, fertilized soil substrate. But a permanent culture substrate loses its water-physical properties, piles pathogens, pathogens and pests struggle which requires more resources and is time consuming. In this context, a promising use hydroponic method that has many advantages and offers great opportunities for automation of production processes.
The aim of the study was to compare the efficacy of two growing technologies strawberries (traditional open soil and hydroponic method using coconut substrate in greenhouses) by determining the performance space, study morphological and biological characteristics of plants and establish the level of economic performance.
The study was conducted in 2012-2013. The object of the research served as a sort of strawberry Claire. We used the hydroponic method of growing as a substrate using coconut. Bookmark plants used for planting material - seedlings in phase three leaves that have landed in coconut (5 plants per 1 m / running.).
Mode power supply provided with daily morning water nutrient solution of complex fertilizer of Plantafol series, and in the evening in the system fed only water. Value formula N: P: K for vegetation changed 4 times according to the phases of growth and development. In open ground strawberries planted on beds. The scheme of planting was 20x25 cm. The greenhouses’ strawberries were planted on mats under the same scheme. Area accounting area was 10 m / running. in the greenhouse, in open ground – 5 m2. Number of Accounts plants in the greenhouse and in open field was 50 Repeated experiments – 3-fold.
A study of characteristics of growth and development in the technology of strawberry cultivation of different methods found that the timing of onset and duration growth differ depending on production technologies.
There were used technologically different ways of strawberries growing and impact on plant morph metric parameters and their variability. Thus, when the method of hydroponic growing, the average number of shoots per plant was 16 pieces against 17,5 pieces. in open ground.
The strawberries shoots length in greenhouses also were characterized by lower values compared to the open field and were 13,5 cm vs. 17,0 cm.
As for features such as the number of outlets per plant, this figure was almost the same regardless of the technology and the growing conditions of plants, and their number ranged from 2 to 3 units per plant with average values of 2,7 pieces. (greenhouses) and 3,0 pieces. (open ground).
The signs were stable enough to the cones number and the number of stems per plant. Average values of these features during the years of study were 1,7 pieces. and 3,5 pieces respectively, regardless of the growing technology.
Finally, the value of such features as the number of antennae was almost unchanged and reached respectively 3,5 and 3 pcs. of the plant under different technologies conditions.
Our studies have shown that sort of strawberry Claire creates quite a large vegetative mass and volume during the growing season.
The difference between the morph metric parameters of strawberry plants under different conditions and growing technologies and their impact yield influences the fruit quality and marketability.
In particular, the average weight of berries grown by traditional technology was 27,5 g. which is 5,0 grams. more than the cultivation of coconut substrate.
At the same time, the overall level of productivity in terms of square meter was higher for growing strawberries in greenhouses (3,0 kg/m2) versus 2.9 kg/m2 in the open ground. It was significantly higher marketability and berries for strawberry cultivation on coco substrate. In this case, it reached 99% against 95% in the open ground.
When defined economic efficiency in greenhouses using hydroponic method for cost years of research in terms of per hectare was 68383,3 UAH., and the profitability of 284,0%., and in the open ground, according 50278,3 UAH., and 110,1%.
So the efficiency study of growing strawberries in greenhouses by hydroponic coconut substrate made it possible to establish a number of advantages of this technology compared to traditional cultivation in the open ground, namely:
• crop maturation occurred three weeks earlier;
• marketable berries was very high – 99%;
• profitability reached 284,0%, which is more than 2,5 times higher than the rate in open ground.
Key words: strawberries, sort, open ground, protected ground, coconut substrate, productivity, economic efficiency.
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