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Modern philosophical comprehension of the system of agriculture as a scientific category
System - this relatively isolated and ordered set of interacting purposefully and appropriate elements of the inherent connectivity and the ability to implement specified objective functions.
This definition is sufficiently characterized such systems (eg, physical objects) when the system and environment are clearly delineated, and structural elements of the system easily distinguishable.
A deeper disclosure of the contents of the system as a scientific category associated with a new philosophical understanding of this concept, the concept of distribution system for the study of abstract logical, conceptual, symbolic and other systems. Therefore, a second, higher level of abstraction system is defined as a fundamental category of scientific and methodological knowledge.
Definition of the system includes the following four parts: the subject (the researcher) ↔ the object of study - the objective of the study ↔ language study. In the above approach, the concept of "system" becomes philosophical nature. Therefore, the system can be defined as an ideological philosophical category as a way of thinking.
The scientific definition of farming systems should fit into the general definition of "system" of the specification in their subject area, that reflect the main features of the system: integrity, availability-wide objectives and performance criteria, the ordering of the subsystems and their purposeful interaction to achieve system-wide goals.
The system of agriculture is an integrated set of interrelated and interacting purposefully agrobiological, technical and technological, organizational and economic measures taken for the effective use of land resources to produce the required volume and quality of crop production for the reproduction of soil fertility and conservation.
Developing adaptive farming systems directly linked to the critical state economic problem - the rational distribution of agricultural production zones in the country and the relevant zoning of production. In practice, this area is through the development of zonal farming systems.
The system of agricultural production in the country and the system of agriculture should be generalized expression of complex scientific and organizational support for the agricultural sector of the state, integrating achieve biological science, technology and modern technologies, new forms of organization of production and the state agrarian policy under the new market economic relations.
With the development of modern adaptive farming systems within the agriculture should be considered as a minimum, the following basic requirements: mobility, multivariate decisions with regard to the conditions of demand (changing), supply and price situation on the market, adaptability to specific landscape and zonal agro-climatic conditions, in terms with optimal utilization of resources rational restrictions on economic, social and environmental requirements, environmental friendliness, providing an optimum combination of crop and livestock sectors.
By design concepts to create a generalized adaptive-landscape farming systems must use the methodology of modern systematic approach and a wide range of mathematical methods of formalizing scientific knowledge, above all, the mathematical modeling of behavior control economic and biological systems.
A comprehensive assessment system as a scientific category, the analysis of system properties, the nature of interaction between system and environment, specific patterns of motion and principles of management - all of which makes it possible to formulate a generalized understanding of the systems approach as an integrated scientific methodology.
In modern science, a systematic approach is seen as a methodology for the study of complex phenomena, objects, processes, through their representation in the form of integrated systems for the detection of systemic properties, internal structure and their regulatory mechanisms.
Systems analysis - a set of specific research methods and interventions of the principles of systems approach. The purpose of systems analysis - the right to formulate and structure the problem itself, to turn a difficult task into a series of simpler problems, solution methods are known.
Systems analysis is used effectively in such situations: the solution of new problems when developing entirely new system and solving problems that are unique, and when the problem has branched connections and long-term consequences, and if the problem is associated with risk factors and uncertainties; for coordination purposes with many of their achievements, for solving the optimization problem using the methods of mathematical modeling.
Key words: system, system of agriculture, scientific category, philosophical comprehension, signs, fertility, land resources.
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