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Mechanization and transportation of timber: innovative approaches in forest exploitation and forestry operations

The relevance of the research topic is due to the constant growth of the demand for sustainable and efficient use of forest resources in connection with the growth of forest operations and the search for more optimal and environmentally safe methods of their implementation. Fundamental concepts such as forestry and forest exploitation have been defined. The state of forest industry in Ukraine was analyzed and its main problems were identified. An analysis of innovative approaches in forest exploitation and forestry works implemented by forestry enterprises was carried out. Proposals for further development and implementation of innovations in the field of forestry to increase its sustainability and efficiency have been provided. It has been established that domestic forestry enterprises are gradually introducing innovative approaches of forest exploitation and forestry operations. However, this process requires activation to improve productivity, reduce costs and optimize forest resource management. To achieve this it has been proposed to implement a number of measures: continue reforming the forestry industry; conduct training for forestry workers on the basics of digital technologies; promote research projects and stimulate investment in this sector; conduct research work in the field of forestry equipment development and production by domestic manufacturers; update the machine and tractor fleet of forestry enterprises through the purchase of innovative foreign-made equipment. Practical significance of the research is the possibility of applying the obtained results to improve forestry in Ukraine. Suggested proposals for the implementation of innovative approaches in forest exploitation and forestry operations involve increasing productivity, reducing costs and optimization of forest resources management.

Key words: forest transport, forest exploitation, mechanization of forestry operations, logging operations, forest products.


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