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Life expectancy and plant biotechnology

Modern data on the life expectancy of a person and causes of mortality were presented, factors determining the life expectancy and the role of herbal preparations in increasing the average life expectancy to 110-115 years were considered in the article. Also the state of natural sources of herbal medicinal raw materials was analyzed, and it was shown that the only real source of environmentally friendly vegetable raw materials was tissue culture. The factors that restrain the production of biologically active substances of plant origin on an industrial scale (in bioreactors) were generalized. These factors include:

  1. In many cases, organs, tissues or cells that produce relevant substances of secondary metabolism in a living plant, do not synthesize these substances or synthesize them in small amounts in vitro;
  2. Vegetative cells grow much more slowly than microorganisms. In order to double the amount of plant cells in the culture in vitro, we need on average 20 times more time than to double the amount of microorganism cells;
  3. We need cell cultures that are characterized by high product stability for industrial production, but many cell cultures display instability during production;
  4. Suspended cell cultures of plants consist mainly of aggregates of cells of various sizes. This means that cells on the surface of the aggregate and in its center do not operate under the same conditions and are not identical, which complicates the optimization of production process of the target product;
  5. The production of the corresponding secondary product in the required amount is often associated with induction of organogenesis in the cell culture. This creates a lot of difficulties under the conditions of mass cultivation;
  6. The majority of plant crops do not release the substances of specialized exchange or secondary products of biosynthesis into the environment but remain them inside the cells;
  7. Due to the large size and high degree of watering, the plant cells are susceptible to mixing and supply with oxygen. All this requires the construction of special fermenters (bioreactors).

In order to increase the productivity of cultured cells widely and in many cases successfully applied:

  • Cell selection based on both spontaneous and induced variability of cultured cells under the influence of different mutagens;
  • Optimization of growing conditions and composition of growth and production nutritional media;
  • Cultivation of differentiated tissues or organs or induction of differentiation for cultivation on production nutritional media;
  • Use of elicitors.

It is proved that plant biotechnology will be almost the only source of environmentally friendly and high quality vegetable raw materials for food, pharmacological, cosmetic, even processing, textile, construction and other industries in the near future. By and large, biotechnologists are ready to solve these problems.

Key words: life expectancy, biotechnology of medicinal plants, biologically active substances of plants.



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