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Landscape-geochemical factors of farm soils sustainability in Kiev region
The paper deals with one of the problems of nature balance with regard to maintaining the ecological stability of the landscape in terms of antropogenesis. Landscape-geochemical conditions and the migration of essential trace elements on the territory of Kiev region are considered as factors of melioration measures effeciency and support environmental sustainability. The problem of environmental assessment of geochemical migration processes of essential trace elements in the landscape of all economic use and possible measures to restore the natural nutrient balance of agricultural landscapes.
The research is based on of ecological-geochemical data "Ecology-2000» and landscape-geochemical zoning. Classification of geochemical landscapes is based on the principles of O. Perelman, developed by the author for the conditions of Ukraine. Assessment processes of geochemical migration essential trace elements in the landscape were the results of calculations of clarks concentration (CC) that take into account soil clarks by H. Bowen, sedimentary sand-clay sediments by O. P. Vinogradov, continental waters by O. Belyakova
Environmental consequences of these landscape-geochemical processes for agricultural soils of Kyiv region are defined. Environmental sustainability of agro-landscapes of the contents of the elements provide the processes of soil formation of scattering them breeds and soil with a concentration in surface waters. Atmospheric and soil contaminants can move in water environment and messages from piling up in the surface and underground waters. This is the most typical for Korostensky and Morshansky landscape. The natural biological cycle as essential elements and main nutrients, threats that affect negative the processes of humus formation, reduces fertility and contributes to the development of relevant non-communicable phytopathology agriculture futures and in animals.
Alternative options for improving soil fertility should be focused on the organic components of soil and reduce the loss of humus. These include the use of indirect products of farming, which enhance the local processes of biological cycle significantly, as well as a general increase in the volume of organic fertilizers. Along with this, when planning crop rotations, it is important to pay more attention to perennial and one-year grasses, and legume crops that are least conducive to processes of humus mineralization.
Key words: geochemical landscapes, migration, trace elements, self-cleaning, agricultural landscapes.
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