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The insect’s fauna of the pea agrocenosis
Observations and counts for 2006-2013 years in the research field BNAU shown that agrocenoses pea dominated beetles (Coleoptera) - 40 % of all insects, second place wasps (Hymenoptera) - 17.3 %. Large number of species represented bugs (Hemiptera) (14.7 %) and flies Diptera (10.7 %). Share rest ranged from 1.3 to 8 %. Among the number of beetles (Coleoptera) polyphagous dominated by species that have links with many forage legumes and other crops. Specialized is a pea weevil (Bruchus pisorum L.). Large number of species represented polyphagous family weevils (Curculionidae), which is 52.6 % of all identified beetles. Among them dominate nodules weevils (Sitona sp.), beet leaf weevil (Tanymecus palliatus F.) and aoromius 5-punctatus (Tychius quinquepunctatus L.).
Share beetles entomophagous is 38.2 %. These are mainly representatives of the families Carabidae and Coccinellidae.
As the number of dominated beetles Harpalus rufipes Deg. and Calathus halensis Schall.
Among Coccinellidae dominated seven-spot ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata L.) and constituted 46 %. Imago ladybirds appeared simultaneously with the appearance of aphids. The maximum number of larvae on plants that reached 36 specimens /100 waves of butterfly-net, observed during the flowering of culture.
A number of Hymenoptera in agrocenosises pea to a large extent (86.1 %) presented with entomophages superfamily Chalcidoidea and family Aphidiidae .
Among the identified thrips (number Thysanoptera) entomophages is predatory thrips (Aelothrips fasciatus L.), which kills aphids, thrips, etc. other. Trips pea (Kakothrips robustus Uzel.) are plant-feeder. The average density for the study was 16 speciments /100 waves of butterfly-net.
Ubiquitous pea aphid (Acyrtosiphon pisum Harr.) (number Homoptera). The growth of aphids took place at the beginning of budding pea, its density averaged 56.4 specimens / plant.
In the colonies of aphids found Syrphidae predatory fly larvae (number Diptera). There were flies tahini, larvae are mostly parasitic in insects (2 specimens /100 waves of butterfly-net).
In pea crops in small amounts detected harmful flies: Delia platura Mg. (family Anthomyiidae) and Phytomysa atricornis Mg. (family Agromyzidae) and Contarinia pisi Kieff.
Pea populated harmful butterfly (number Lepidoptera): pea moth Laspeyresia nigricana Steph. (family Tortricidae), limebean pod borer Etiella zinckenella Tr. (family Pyralidae), scoops Autographa gamma L., Scotia exalamationis L., Amathes c-nigrum L. and others (family Noctuidae).
Bug Lygus pratensis L. (family Miridae) was the most widespread among plant-feeder Hemiptera. Predatory bug Nabis ferus L. (family Nabidae) is entomophages in agrocenoses peas. Chrysopa perla (L.) representative number Neuroptera (family Chrysopidae). Larvais and adults attack aphids.
Other insects do not belong to the common people, they are numerically small and have no special significance. Their share is 1.2 %.
Formation entomocomplex on crops of peas is gradually during the growing season. Its structure in different periods of plant development consists of species that migrate from other habitats and those that overwinter in the fields, where the crops.
For plant-feeder that are the greatest threat to crops include nodules weevils, aoromius 5-punctatus, pea aphid, pea thrips, limebean pod borer, pea moth, pea weevil.
Key words: plant-feeder, entomophage, insect pests, predator, agrocenoiss, pea.
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