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Injuriousness of a pea weevil and limebean pod borer

The specific structure of the main insects who damage seeds of leguminous cultures in the conditions of skilled field BNAU is defined. Two look dominates: limebean pod borer of Etiella zinckenella Tr. and pea weevil of Bruchus pisorum L. Mass settling of crops of peas by these wreckers is noted at the beginning of flowering.

Bruchus pisorum L larvae develop in seeds and eat away in them big emptiness therefore grain spoils. Etiella zinckenella Tr. caterpillars eat grain in a bean, eating round it outside. They can pass from one bean to another.

At damage by an limebean pod borer and a pea weevil viability of seeds from 36 decreases to 68%. At joint damage by these insects viability of seeds decreases by 84%.

The mass of 1000 seeds diminish for 50-57%.

Key words: leguminous cultures, peas, limebean pod borer, pea weevil, viability of seeds, weight are 1000 seeds.



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