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Influence of monogermity of elite seed of sugar beet ChS components on the quality of hybrid seed
Scientific research with seed production and seed growing issues of sugar beet are closely associated with the development of selection work. With the changing of work directions in selection are changed and scientific researches with seed production and seed growing. At first of polyspermous sugar beet seed production system is developed. With the creation of monospermous varieties-populations – are methods of seed production of beet that related to this form, then anizoploid hybrids, and in recent years – hybrids are based on cytoplasmic male sterility.
In recent years in connection with requirements increasing to the quality of seed, particular of monogermity and monospermity is emerged the need to establish the dependence of monospermity of the elite of ChS component on hybrid seed monospermity.
Monogermity is the ratio of sugar beet seed that were given one sprout at germination to the total number of germinated seed, expressed in percentage. Monospermity is the ratio of monospermous fruits of sugar beet number to the total number of fruits, expressed in percentage.
There is a close correlation – r = 0,85–0,95 between the monospermity and monogermity. With such dependence of seed monospermity increasing will be accompanied of its monogermity increase. The difference between monogermity and monospermity can reach from 0 to 8%. Monospermity (monogermity) is determined primarily of genetic basis of the variety or hybrid; they are less undergoing of modification variability.
Sugar beet cultivation by the intensive technologies great importance is gained, along with the similarity, seed monospermity. It was from her largely depends density and uniformity of sowing, yield, cost and quality of roots, the cost of labor on their cultivation.
Seed material of monospermous sugar beet is a mixture of monospermous fruits that by the germination is not always gives one seedling. In seed parties of monospermous sugar beet the content of impurities of polyspermous glomeruli is predetermined of genetic or mechanical impurities. To the genetic impurities are related single glomeruli that were formed on separate monospermous or polyspermous seed plants due to insufficient selection in the breeding process. To the mechanical impurities are related seed impurities of polyspermous pollinators by the joint cultivation and harvesting of hybrid seed – mixture of ChS component and polyspermous pollinator (intentional impurities) and impurities of polyspermous glomeruli, which came to the party of monospermous seed from mechanical causes of clogging in the process of growing, seed plants harvesting, processing, storage, transportation and handling of basic and ordinary seed (unintentional impurities).
Institute of Sugar Beet researches are established that for seed of domestic monospermous varieties and hybrids is characterized the presence of impurities of polyspermous glomeruli of the three mentioned species that are placed in parties of seed locally mainly.
The results are analyzing, it should be noted that the weather conditions of growing season of seed plant are adversely affected on seed plants growth and development in 2013. Accordingly, a significant share of seed plants is prematurely dried, which negatively affected on the level of seed productivity.
The results are analyzing, it should be noted a slightly different of seed productivity. In particular, the mass of 1000 seed is varies within 12.1-14.5 g. Moreover the difference of this index between variants of roots using, that are derived from the elite seed with the 100% of seedily and twospermous seed were not found.
Regarding to hybrid seed monospermity is found that between the samples of seed were obtained from elite seed with different levels of fertility, there are some differences. Thus, for seed that obtained from base seed with 100% of monospermity, index of fertility is fluctuates within 86–96 percent. Monospermity of hybrid seed is obtained from twospermous samples on 3–5 percent is lower.
The differences between variants is not established except of ChS component of VChS 63, for which this index is in the 26–36% range to the energy of germination and similarity concerning.
It is established that level of fertility is influencing on the indexes of monospermity of seed plants. The difference of quality parameters of seed in the research’s variants is not set.
Key words: seed production, seed growing, monospermity, sterility, ChS hybrids, sugar beet.
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