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Influence growth regulators on the growth processes and productivity of eggplant
The study was to evaluate the effectiveness of new natural growth regulators Alostim domestic production and processing them for Biolan seeds and eggplant seedlings.
The study was conducted in 2012-2013. The above growth regulators used for the treatment of seeds and seedlings at concentrations of 10-3, 10-4 and 10-5 %. In the control option for handling used distilled water. To study the effect of growth regulators on the subsequent growth and development of plant seedlings of both varieties in phase three leaves treated with solutions of the same concentration, followed by cultivation in open field.
During the research determined the laboratory germination and vigor of seeds. Spending phenological observations, biometric measurements.
Using growth regulators in the lab first steps have been noted in a variety of ways with Almaz at a Alostim concentration of 10-3 and 10-4 % and grade in the form of Helios at a Biolan concentration of 10-4 and 10-5 % for 4-5 day1. In all other ways, including the control, the mass of shoots noted for 9-10 days.
The average number of seeds like the end of the experiment in the form of Alostim in concentrations as high as 10-3 % in grade
90 % Almaz and 94 % in grade Helios. Performance of similarity higher than control at 19 and 16 %, respectively.
Soak the seeds in a solution Biolan gave the best results for the use of the drug at a concentration of 10-5 %. Here germination Almaz grade higher than the control by 21 % and grade Helios – 16 %. Share sprouted seeds reached in these grades 90 and 96 %, respectively.
Using Alostim in concentrations 10-3 and 10-4 % period from sowing to germination in a variety of Almaz decreased by 4 days, and the variety Helios - 3-4 days compared with controls. Significantly accelerated the emergence of seedlings in cassettes and seed treatment Biolan at a concentration of 10-4 and 10-5 %. Stairs Almaz appeared 3 days and Helios -
3-5 days earlier than in controls.
The above concentrations of both growth regulators significantly affected, and the subsequent formation and growth of seedlings . In particular, the reduced time of appearance of the first true leaf to a fully -formed seedlings (6-8 developed leaves). In the embodiment of Alostymom in concentrations 10-3 and 10-4 it was shorter than in controls , an average of 3-4 days, and the use Biolan in concentrations 10-4 and 10-5 % - 5-6 days that affected the reduction of the length of all seedlings period.
Seedling quality largely depends on its mass as a whole and aerial parts and root system in particular. Both growth regulators used in concentrations a positive impact on the value of the studied parameters. Under the influence of mass Alostim aerial parts increased by 2,4-3,6 g compared with controls. Weight of roots increased in seedlings of plants of the same variety only use concentrations of 10-4 and 10-3 %, while an increase of 1,2 and 0,9 g, respectively. The total mass in options ranged 9,2-11,9 g, while in the control it reached 7,3 g.
In grade Helios accumulation of wet weight in seedling period under Alostim took place more rapidly than in grade Almaz in all variants. Increase in wet weight for control was 1,5-2,4 g.
Biolan proved effective in concentrations of 10-4 and 10-5 % with the increase of mass aerial parts compared to the control amounted to 3,5-4,9 g diamonds for Helios - 3,9-4,4 g weight of the root system plant seedlings in Helios influenced Biolan was significantly greater than Alostim treatment. The total mass of plant seedlings of both varieties reached maximum values for use in Biolan concentration 10-4% . Increase root mass was greatest for the use of the same drug at a concentration of 10-5 %. It reached 1.3 g in both varieties.
Both growth regulators significantly stimulated plant growth in seedling period and after planting them in open ground. The highest plant seedlings at the end of a period of two varieties formed by use Biolan solution at a concentration of 10-4%. Thus, the increase in height to control diamond grade was 25.6 %, and in grade Helios - 27.7 %. In the embodiment of Biolan at a concentration 10-5 % increase was 11,7 and 10,9 %, respectively.
The growth regulators affected the subsequent phases of plant development both varieties. In the phase of flowering plants were highest in the version with a concentration Alostim 10-4%. Growth in height compared to the control is reached for Almaz 39,0 %, and for Helios – 25,3 %.
Using Biolan greatest difference in height of plants in comparison with the control variant noted in the variants with drug treatment seedlings at concentrations 10-4 and 10-5%.
One of the important parameters characterizing the efficiency of growth regulators is the value of the crop. Using tangible Alostymu an increase harvest to control for both grades obtained on the variations of drug concentrations 10-3 and 10-4%. Note that yield greater gain in experiments with Alostymom stood Class Diamond (from 2.1 to 3.5 t/ha). The maximum of this sort was the yield from processing plants in the seedling stage drug solution at a concentration of 10-4%. Its average yield reached 25,1 t/ha, while in the control – 21,6 t/ha.
Biolan showed greater efficacy for its use in concentrations of 10-4 and 10-5%. Increase in crop from the use of this drug was higher compared to Alostim and was 3,7-4,1 t/ha in grade Almaz and 5,0-5,3 t/ha in a variety of Helios. The maximum yield in both years of research grade Helios is distinguished by the use of Biolan. Thus, in 2012, the yield on its version of the drug concentration reached 10-4 32,4 t/ha in 2013 – 33,2 t/ha. In an embodiment the concentration of 10-5 magnitude of yield was 32,7 and 33,5 t/ha, respectively.
Key words: growth regulators, seed, crop quality, seedling, eggplant, productivity.
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