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The influence of foliar nutrition on the attachment height of cobs in corn hybrids
The aim is to study the influence of the foliar nutrition by microfertilizers “Sprout of Corn”, “Ecolyst Monozinc”, the plant growth regulator “Vympel” and the bacterial drug “Biomag” on the growing processes of corn hybrids and, in particular, on the formation height of cobs, as well as on the changing of this feature according to the climatic conditions of the year.
Corn hybrids of the domestic selection (Kharkivskyi 195MV and Pereyaslavskyi 230SV) and those of the “Monsanto” company (DKS 2960, DKS 2949, DKS 2971, DKS 3472, DKS 3420, DKS 3871, DK 391, DK 440, DKS 4964, DK 315) were used to study the influence of foliar nutrition on the attachment height of the cobs. Field, laboratory and statistical methods were used during the research.
The attachment height of the economically valuable cob is one of the most important technological features of corn hybrids, on which the time of harvesting, energy costs and crop losses depend. By the results of the researches it is established that the formation height of cobs significantly depends on using the foliar nutrition. The largest value of the attachment height of cobs in the group of early-ripe hybrids was in the sample where the microfertilizer “Ekolyst Monozink” was used. It confirms again the importance of zinc fertilizers for the growth of corn and the formation of optimum architectonics of sowing. The studied hybrids of corn of early-ripe group significantly differed in the formation height of cobs. Thus, in particular, the attachment height of cobs (factor ALSDhybrid = 3.88 cm) was the highest in the hybrid Kharkivskyi 195MV – 90.8 cm and in the hybrid DKS 2971 – 93.9 cm on average for three years. The formation height of cobs in the hybrids DKS 2960 was 82.3 cm, while in the hybrid DKS 2949 – 79.7 cm. The carrying out of the foliar nutrition by microfertilizers, the plant growth regulator and the bacterial drug (factor of VLSDfoliar nutrition = 4.34 cm) contributed to an increase by 0.5-1.2 cm in the formation height of cobs. After having done the foliar nutrition the attachment height of cobs was the following: Kharkivskyi 195MV – 92.0 cm, DKS 2960 – 82.9 cm, DKS 2949 – 80.3 cm and DKS 2971 – 94.4 cm. When applying one dose of drugs (factor SLSD number of nutrition = 2.75 cm) in the phase of 5-7 corn leaves the attachment height of cobs was: Kharkivkyi 195MV – 91.2 cm, DKS 2960 – 80.9 cm, DKS 2949 – 79.3 cm and DKS 2971 – 94.0 cm, while under the double application of drugs in the foliar nutrition, in the phase of 5-7 and of 10-12 corn leaves it was: Kharkivkyi 195MV – 92.8 cm, DKS 2960 – 84.9 cm, DKS 2949 – 81.4 cm and DKS 2971 – 94.9 cm. While on the control, without the use of the foliar nutrition, the formation height of cobs was: Kharkivkyi 195MV – 81.2 cm, DKS 2960 – 77.4 cm, DKS 2949 – 74.5 cm and DKS 2971 – 89.7 cm on average during three years of the research. The increase of the formation height of cobs when using the foliar nutrition was 10.0 and 11.7 cm in the hybrid Kharkivkyi 195 MB, 3.5 and 7.5 cm in DKS 2960, 4.8 and 6.9 cm in DKS 2949, 4.3 and 5.2 cm in DKS 2971 in comparison with the control (without foliar nutrition) when using the one-dose and double-dose of the foliar nutrition, respectively. The attachment height of cobs in the hybrids of the early-ripe group ranged from 74.5 cm to 99.4 cm, it was 92.6-19.0 cm in the mid-early group of hybrids on average during three years of the research. The hybrids of the mid-early group of ripening (the factor of ALSD hybrids = 4.52), without the use of the foliar nutrition(control), had the following value for the attachment height of cobs: DKS 3472 – 104.5 cm, DKS 3420 – 105.0 cm, Pereyaslavskyi 230 CH – 92.6 cm and DKS 3871 – 102.8 cm. After having done the foliar nutrition (factor VLSD foliar nutrition = 5.05 cm), the formation height of cobs increased by 0.7-1.1 cm and was 111.8 cm in DKS 3472, 110.9 cm in DKS 3420, 102.3 cm in Pereyaslavskyi 230V and 110.0 cm in DKS 3871. It is also necessary to note the change in the formation height of cobs in the mid-early group of ripening of hybrids, depending on the number of the foliar nutrition (factor SLSD number of treatments = 3.20 cm). Thus, in particular, when applying one foliar nutrition in the phase of 5-7 corn leaves the attachment height of cobs in the studied hybrids was: DKS 3472 – 111.3 cm, DKS 3420 – 109.9 cm, Pereyaslavskyi 230 CH – 100 .8 cm and DKS 3871 – 108.3 cm, while applying the double foliar nutrition in the phase of 5-7 and 10-12 corn leaves it was: DKS 3472 – 112.4 cm, DKS 3420 – 111.8 cm, Pereyaslavlkyi 230V – 103.9 cm and DKS 3871 – 111.8 cm on average during three years of the research. In the group of the mid-ripe corn hybrids, the attachment height of cobs was 110.5 cm in DK 391, 99.0 cm in DK 440, 103.7 cm in DKS 4964 and 101.2 cm in DK 315 (factor of the ALSD hybrid = 4.27 cm) on average during three years. The use of the foliar nutrition has provided the significant increase in the value of attachment height of cobs (factor VLSD foliar nutrition = 4.77 cm): DK 391 – 116.8 cm, DK 440 – 107.4 cm, DKC 4964 – 109.8 cm and DK 315 – 110.1cm. At the same time, the using of the foliar nutrition only in the phase of 5-7 leaves (factor CLSDnumber of foliar nutrition = 3.02 cm) provided the formation of cobs at the level of DK 391 – 116.0 cm, DK 440 – 106.8 cm, DKS 4964 – 108.4 cm and DK 315 – 109.2 cm, while under the double nutrition in the phase of 5-7 and 10-12 corn leaves, the formation height of cobs was the highest: DK 391 – 117.7 cm, DK 440 – 108.1 cm, DKS 4964 – 111.1 cm and DK 315 – 111.0 cm.
By the results of the researches it is established that the formation height of cobs significantly depends on the group of ripeness of hybrids. The increase in the duration of the growing period contributes to the growth of the attachment height of cobs. The greatest value of the attachment height of cobs (102.6-118.7 cm) was in the group of mid-ripe hybrids. The carrying out of the foliar nutrition causes an increase in the attachment height of cobs (1.79-12.84 cm, as compared to the control) in all studied hybrids of corn, irrespective of the group of ripeness. The largest value of the attachment height of cobs
(71.6-128.9 сm) was in the sample where the double using of the zinc-containing microfertilizer “Ekolyst Monozink” in the phase of 5-7 and 10-12 corn leaves was done.
Key words: corn, hybrid, foliar nutrition, microfertilizers, phase of growth, bacterial drug, plant growth regulator, attachment height of cobs.
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