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The influence of environmental factors on the implementation of new varieties of soft winter wheat breeding potential
There are two ways to improve winter wheat productivity. Breeding and genetic improvement of varieties, development of new genotypes appropriate level of yield and grain quality of food hold a prominent a prominent place belongs to among them. Therefore, it is important to take a scientific basis for development of environmentally adaptive principles for selection and placement of certain varieties in agro-climatic conditions, and studying the nature of interaction of geno0type and the environment effects of environmental factors on the formation agrocenoses performance is an important and topical area of genetic selection and agrobiological research.
The study was conducted during 2010-2012 in the of research crop rotations fields of crops national examination examination in different agro-climatic zones according to f the national examination methods and grains, cereals and legumes crops testing. It has been found out the new registered varieties of winter wheat under different soil -climatic zones, environmental and varying weather conditions and stress realize their yields potential differently. The magnitude and stability of yield in years, the efficiency of a particular class are largely dependent on the environmental factors and successful placement of certain varieties in certain soil-climatic zones, subzones, microrozones or geographical locations. It is especially noticeable in unfavorable years, stressful situations or inadequate resource provision of the agrotechnological process, significant errors, implifications or errors in the methods of farming. It sometimes results in the varieties undergoing inadequate conditions that do not correspond their biological properties which causes decline in their performance.
Therefore winter wheat varieties with a wide homeostasis on their response to meteorological and agroecological factors, optimal genetic information program comprising to the greatest number of useful features and characteristics should be chosen for each ecological region. The basic requirement on varieties placing in ecological regions should be the variety properties corresponding the natural ecological, agronomic and economic environment it is grown in and its adaptive capacity.
Newly registered winter soft wheat varieties exhibit a profound response to specific agroecological conditions in their cultivation areas. To unleash the potential of their performance successfully one should implement a differentiated approach to their placement in the agro-climatic zones, subzones, microzones and geographical locations in compliance with the selection and biological properties of varieties of natural environmental conditions, agronomic and economic environment in which they grow and the natural adaptive capacity. Varieties with optimal genetic information program which is comprising the greatest number of useful features and properties should be adopted for each ecological region.
Due to a set of performance indicators and ecological plasticity Sotnytsya, Calancha , Hurt, Tonatsiya Dobrochyn should be placed in the steppe zone; - Sotnytsya , Oriyka, Odesla Lira, Tatsitus and Fidelius should be placed in the forest steppe zone; Krayevyd, Tatsitus , Fidelius, Sailor, Ethel - in Polissya. Sotnytsya and Oriyka varieties are characterized with sufficiently high yield under different growing conditions, show the ability of the genotype to realize their potential and are resistant to specific environmental conditions in different years. In some subzones, microzones and geographic regions other varieties display better traits.
Key words: variety, ecological factor, soil climatic zone, subzone, microzone, yield, adaptation, productivity potential.
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