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The influence of different systems of the basic processing and fertilizers on crop yields, crop rotation productivity zernoprosapnogo, economic energy efficiency in the central steppe of Ukraine

Lit impact midwater constant plowing and subsurface treatment and long-term storage and Ploughshare stubble crop yields, productivity pyatipolnogo field crop rotation, economic and energy efficiency of agricultural practices investigated at four fertilizer systems in central steppe of Ukraine. Expediency minimize basic soil and proposed production system continuous surface treatment, in which the deep plowing to 28-30 cm is carried out only in one field. The main indicator for assessing different ways of depths and tillage systems is the level of crop yields and productivity of crop rotation. Yield, as an indicator of crop productivity is derived from the value of factors and conditions in which there is formation. Therefore, the fluctuations of each factor definitely affects the final value of yield crops.

Keywords: processing, fertilizer, soil, crop yield, productivity, crop rotation, efficiency.



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