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The influence of basic tillage and fertilization systems on the content of plants accessible nutrition elements and field crop rotation productivity in the Right Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine
Experimental work was carried out in the stationery field test during 2013-2015 years in the experimental field of Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University with a five course grain row crop rotation.
The amount of nitrate nitrogen in a plow layer under beardless plowing is correspondently 1,9 and 2,1 mg/kg of soil lower than underdifferent depth plowing in a crop rotation, 1,1 and 1,2 mg/kg of soil lower than under differential plowing and 0,7 and 0,8 mg/kg of soil lowerthan under surface disc tillage during the sprouting and the beginning of budding of pea plants. During the pea plants grain industrial ripeningstage, the content of nitrate nitrogen in a plow layer was practically the same under all tested soil tillage systems.
Under beard tillage system in a crop rotation, the content of NO3, Р2O5and K2O in soil layers 0–10, 10–20 and 20–30 cm of pea agrophytocenosis is almost the same, and under subsurface tillage localization of ash and nitrate plants fertilizer elements in the layer 0–10 cm is observed.
The content of easy accessible phosphoric acid in a plow layer during the stages of a sprouting, a spring reproduction of vegetation and a complete grain maturity of winter wheat was correspondently 3; 4 and 2 mg/kg lower under beardless tillage, and under differential and surface tillage it was at the same level with that on the watch list.
The content of nitrate nitrogen in a plow layer was almost in the same amount under all tillage systems in a crop rotation during the stages of sprouting and economic grain maturity of buckwheat.
The content of Р2О5in a plow layer during a sprouting of buckwheat under long term beard tillage in a crop rotation is 1,3 % higher than under subsurface tillage. This index is 0,6 % lower than that on the watch list under differential and surface tillage.
The content of nitrate nitrogen in a plow layer under corn during a sprouting, panicle earing and complete grain maturity under long termbeard tillage in a crop rotation was correspondently 15,0; 13,3 and 11,2 mg/kg of soil; under beardless tillage it was 0,8; 0,6 and 0,7 mg/kg of soil lower and under differential and surface tillage it was at the same level as that on the watch list.
During sprouting of corn the amount of fluent phosphorus compounds was practically the same in a plow layer under all tillage systems.
The content of К2О in a plow layer was practically the same on the watch list during all stages under differential and surface tillage of soil.Under beardless tillage during the sprouting of corn the content of К2О is 1 mg/kg lower, during panicle earing is 8 mg/kg lower and during complete grain maturity is 3 mg/kg lower than under beard tillage.
During the spring barley sprouting the highest amount of nitrate nitrogen was in the soil layer 0–10 cm under beardless tillage in a croprotation due to heterogeneous structure of a plow layer. In the deeper soil layers (10-20 and 20-30 cm) the content of this fertilizer element of theplants decreased in comparison with other tested variants.
During the complete grain maturity of spring barley the biggest amount of nitrate nitrogen under beard tillage was observed in the typical black soil layer 0–10 cm and the lowest amount in the layer 20–30 cm. Under differential, beardless and surface tillage the regularity of nitrate nitrogen distribution over the parts of a plow layer during this period was the same as during the sprouting.
During spring barley plants vegetation, the amount of nitrate nitrogen under all tillage systems changed in a plow layer as follows: from spring with the increasing of soil biological activity, its content increased reaching the maximum in June, and then it decreased, that is connected with the intense usage of this fertilizer element by the plants and decreasing of nitrification capacity of typical black soil.
We have not established close relationship between changes of the content of freely soluble phosphoric acid compounds and exchangeable potassium under spring barley in a plow layer depending on soil tillage systems.
Crop rotation productivity does not differ significantly under beard, differential and surface tillage. Under subsurface tillage it decreases considerably in comparison with the watch list.
The highest indices of energy efficiency ratio were obtained under main surface tillage in a crop rotation with a disc tiller with a periodical plowing, once in 5 years, with application of 8 tones of pus + N58P80K80.on one hectare of tilled field.
Key words: tillage, fertilizers, soil, fertilizer elements, crop, crop rotation, crop yield, productivity.
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