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Improving winter wheat resistance to adverse environmental factors
The results of studies of planting in autumn and winter frost, depending on fertilization and pre-treatment of seeds and heat indices resistance of winter wheat plants. Found that pre-sowing seed treatment of winter wheat by multi-component drug increased plant resistance to adverse environmental factors and increased grain yield.
Successful implementation of intensive technology of cultivation of crops depends largely on the improvement in plant resistance to adverse factors at the stage of seed germination and during the growing season. One of the effective ways of mitigating negative impact of stressors on plant productivity is handling growth regulators. For pre - seeding inlay seeds using compositions of which usually includes growth regulators, micronutrients, disinfectants, and other components.
Thanks to scientific advances there was created new plant growth regulators, which allow to regulate physiological processes in plants, increase the yield and quality of crops, realize the genetic potential of varieties at a high level, increase plant resistance to adverse environmental factors.
High temperatures are adverse factors faced by plants in natural conditions. Excess heat causes damage to the photosynthetic apparatus of cells, inhibits the operation of the files system. One way to resolve them would be to increase nonspecific resistance of plants is common adaptive mechanisms for the actions of stressors, helps to activate metabolism plant and ability to adapt to other possible stress effects. The success of such research depends on the elucidation of biochemical mechanisms underlying the adaptation
Purpose. To identify the most cold-resistant and heat-resistant varieties of winter wheat in field experiments and effective measures to reduce stress factors of the plant.
The methodology of the study. Experimental work was carried out during 2010-2012 year in a stationary chair plant belong to National University of Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine in Ukraine. (Kyiv Region).
To determine the heat resistance of the varieties the experimental work was carried out during 2008-2011 years on the territory of private farm "Rasavske" (Kaharlyk district, Kyiv Region) .
Determination of heat resistance of plants was carried out with the aid of " Turhoromir1".
Results and discussion. During the autumn vegetation observed morphological differences between plants depending on fertilization and a comprehensive drug Deimos. The key difference concerned the development of root system formation and intensity stems or passing tilling process.
Not only winter weather conditions prompted widespread winter survival of plants, but fertilizer and biological characteristics of the studied varieties. In this regard, there are products on the market to reduce the impact of external factors, one of which is «Antistress» .
Increasing climatic temperatures requires a new drought -resistant and high- temperature varieties of cultivated plants. However, for existing grades - it is necessary to improve farming practices that would help to improve heat resistance of plants. Winter wheat l withstands well high temperatures in summer. Mostly dry winds with increasing temperature to 35-40°C did not cause great harm, especially when adequate soil moisture.
Varieties that have been studied were not equally at high temperature. The most heat-resistant variety was Myronivska – 65 both fertilizer and in the control variant after soybeans. Which means that the resistance of plants affected by complex factors.
Now, with the increase of maximum temperatures during the summer growing season is important to improve heat resistance of wheat varieties. Optimization of the technological elements of winter wheat can increase the resistance of plants and increase productivity.
Key words: winter wheat, preplant treatment, frost, wintering, heat resistance.
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