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Implementation features of biotechnical measures in hunting lands of Cherkasy region

In the early stages of life humanity perceived hunting as an essential element for survival, considering it as an existential necessity. However in the modern world civilizational transformations have turned the nature of this activity into a source of aesthetic pleasure in the natural environment. This research explores and justifies the optimal abundance and density of key game species residing in the forested areas of Cherkasy region. The article highlights the implementation features of biotechnical measures in this context. The study was conducted using field and paper methods according to commonly accepted technique. The object of the study was the territories allocated for hunting lands and animal populations, which are found within the branch «Zvenyhorodka Forestry». The article describes the climatic and geographical conditions of Cherkasy region that create favorable conditions for the existence of a significant number of game animal species. This distribution is explained by the natural zonation of the territory, in this case, the forest-steppe zone. Cherkasy region is characterized by typical representatives of both forest and steppe fauna: elk (Alces alces, L.), roe deer (Capreolus capreolus, L.), wild boar (Sus scrofa, L.), sika deer (Cervus nippon, L.), red deer (Cervus elaphus, L.), hare (Lepus europaeus, L.), fox (Vulpes vulpes, L.), badger (Meles meles, L.), beaver (Castor fiber, L.), otter (Lutra lutra, L.), muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus, L.) etc. Additionally, steppe, waterfowl, and wading birds can be encountered. It has been established that the optimal number of major game species in the hunting lands of the branch «Zvenyhorodka Forestry» depending on the average bonitet class is еру following (number of individuals): sika deer – 11, roe deer – 58, wild boar – 12, hare – 155, partridge – 155. The hunting lands cover a part of the forest area with clearings and forest swamps, as well as arable lands, meadows, among which are there swamps and water bodies. Bonitation was applied only to the hunting lands that are specifis to the certain game species in their different habitats. The hunting lands of the branch «Zvenyhorodka Forestry» can be considered fully suitable for game management, taking into account the number of roe deer, wild boar, European hare and wetland animals. An important aspect is the implementation of biotechnical measures for the conservation and reproduction of game animal resources at the established level.

Key words: hunting animal species, natural environment, forest fauna, population, optimal species number, biotechnical measures.


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