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Impact of the timing of harvesting energy sugar beets in the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine for biogas output

In the conditions of worsening problems with the supply of energy to Ukraine, it would be appropriate to speed up the production of biofuel based on plant biomass, including and from sugar beets, which can be grown separately for energy purposes. Biomethane is a biofuel produced from agricultural crops that can be used in accordance with the Biofuel Directive.
Sugar beet has a number of advantages in its use as biofuel, namely: good productivity in cooler areas, unlike, for example, corn; high content of dry matter in root crops and their sugar content; high yield of root crops and leaf mass; biomass is easily fermented, which makes it possible to obtain biogas fairly quickly; the opportunity will extend the harvesting season, ensuring longer biogas production; excellent yield of methane per unit area; the price of biogas production and many other advantages.
The article reflects the results of research on the influence of the timing of harvesting energy beets of the sugar beet hybrid of the domestic selection ІСБ 0902 on the output of biogas in the conditions of the Forest Steppe of Ukraine.
The aim of the work was to increase the efficiency of using biomass of modern domestic hybrids of sugar beet as raw material for biogas production, by searching for the optimal timing of their collection.
The subject of research is the elements of the technology of growing high-energy sugar beets and their energy assessment.
Laboratory and field studies were conducted during 2019–2020. at the Belotserkov experimental breeding station (BC OSS) of the IBKySS of the National Academy of Sciences in the zone of unstable moisture in the Central Forest Steppe of Ukraine.
It has been established that in order to obtain the maximum yield of biogas, energy sugar beets should be harvested in the period from the third decade of September to the second decade of October. It is in this period, despite the gradual decrease in the total mass of the leaf apparatus, the yield of root crops and the estimated yield of biogas significantly exceed the indicators of August-September (II/08, I/09). The maximum yield of biogas and energy from the sugar beet of the hybrid 'ICB 0902' is reached during the last harvest period (II/10) and amounts to 9.4 thousand m3/ha and 204.3 MJ/ha.
The researched hybrid ICB 0902, having a high yield potential, a high content of dry matter in root crops and leaves, according to productivity indicators, can be recommended for cultivation on biofuel in the zone of unstable moisture in the Central Forest Steppe of Ukraine.
Key words: sugar beets, hybrids, biogas, biofuel, energy productivity.

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