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Immunological monitoring of spring barley for diseases in the Central Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine
One of the main elements of the crops productivity increase is breeding disease-resistant varieties. The success in breeding resistant varieties of spring barley is determined by the use of locally tested sources and donors resistant to the major diseases.
The most common and harmful in the forest steppe zone disease of barley is caused by Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei Em. Marchal, Drechslera graminea Ito, Bipolaris sorokiniana Shoem. and Drechslera teres Ito. In the years when Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei and Drechslera graminea were extremely harmful, the spring barley yield rate decreased by 30-40 %.
The purpose of the research was to carry out the immunological monitoring of the varieties from the global collection global collection of the National Centre for Plant Genetic Resources of Ukraine on the provocative background Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei, Drechslera graminea, Bipolaris sorokiniana and Drechslera teres, and identify new sources of resistance to pathogens in the conditions of the central forest steppe zone of Ukraine for further breeding for immunity.
The humidity and air temperature factors play a crucial role in the progress of the disease. The hydrothermal coefficient for April-July was recorded that indicated the level of the humidification period. This indicator was the following: in 2013 – 1.15 – optimal hydration level, and in 2014 – 1.97 – excess moisture level.
It was found that the populations of Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei and Bipolaris sorokiniana prevailed, and on average the progress of the diseases within two years was 20.2 % and 21.8 %. The disease progress of Drechslera teres and Drechslera graminea comprised 1.1 % and 4.1 %. As to Puccinia hordei it was 9.7 %.
As a result of the studies on the provocative background there were identified the sources of the set of the diseases. The varieties which were resistant and highly resistant to Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei, Bipolaris sorokiniana and Puccinia hordei were Dokaz, Parnas, Edem (UKR), Eunova (AUT), STN 115 (POL).
Highly resistant and resistant to Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei and Bipolaris sorokiniana were the following varieties: Dokaz, Parnas, Edem, Etiquette, Obolon, Hadar, South (UKR), Thorgall (FRA), Eunova (AUT), STN 115 (POL), Aspen (CZE), Bojos, Hanka (DEU).
High resistance and resistance to Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei and Puccinia hordei demonstrated such varieties as Dokaz, Etiquette, Obolon, Parnas, Hadar, Edem, South (UKR), Josefin, Thorgall (FRA), Ebson, Malz, Aspen (CZE), Barke, Bojos, Breemar, Brenda, Landora, Madeira (DEU), Vivaldi, Eunova (AUT), NS 001 (SRB).
High resistance and resistance to pathogens Bipolaris sorokiniana and Puccinia hordei were recorded in the following varieties: Aspect, Dokaz, Parnas, Edem (UKR), Skarlett (DEU), Manley (CAN), Eunova (AUT), STN 115 (POL), Triangel (NLD), Ataman (BLR).
On the provocative background there were selected the varieties with known resistance genes to Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei. Highly resistant and resistant were the varieties which are protected by resistance genes: Adonis, Barke, Bojos, Slass, Danuta, Breemar, Madeira (DEU), Eunova (AUT), Josefin (FRA), Prestige (GBR), Aspen (CZE).
While studying the efficacy of resistance genes to Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei it was found that the high efficiency rate against the pathogen populations was shown by the recessive genes mlo: mlo9, mlo11 and combination of genes: mlo + Mla13 + Ml (La), mlo + Mla12, mlo + Mla1. The variety Eunova (AUT) that is highly resistant to Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei showed resistance to Bipolaris sorokiniana and Puccinia hordei. The varieties Barke, Bojos, Breemar (DEU) and Aspen (CZE) showed resistance to Puccinia hordei.
There were identified the sources and donors involved in hybridization to breed new disease-resistant varieties of spring barley.
Key words: varieties of spring barley, immunological monitoring, Erysiphe graminis, Drechslera graminea, Bipolaris sorokiniana, Drechslera teres, Puccinia hordei, sources, donors.
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