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Identification of the source material for winter wheat of Myronivka breeding by the electrophoretic spectra of the storage proteins

The success in practical breeding largely depends on the latitude of source material genetic diversity.

At present, the methods of molecular-genetic markers are widely used for research dealing with the regularities in the formation of the gene adapted complexes of genes in selection process, detecting association of allele variants of clusters of storage proteins with the loci that control the level of the expression of quantitative traits, for the identification of genotypes and evaluation of varietal purity.

The loci of storage proteins are the convenient molecular genetic markers in wheat genetics and breeding. This is due to their peculiarities such as plurality of loci, cluster organization of genes in loci, high level of polymorphism, direct influence of storage proteins on properties of dough. Electrophoretic analysis of storage proteins of breeding samples allow to solve the following tasks: 1 – to identify genetic  formula of the sample by loci of storage proteins; 2 – to determine homogeneity/heterogeneity of the sample by these marker loci; 3 – to reveal casual impurities; 4 – to identify the presence of rye translocations  1BL/1RS and 1AL/1RS; 5 – based on the analysis of genotypes by loci Glu-A1, Glu-B1, Glu-D1 and considering the presence of translocation 1BL/1RS to make a preliminary prediction of grain quality of  the specific sample.

The purpose of the research is to compare and identify the lines of soft winter wheat selected in the hybrid generations according to the morphological homogeneous traits and to analyze a new source material of winter wheat of Myronivka breeding by theelectrophoretic spectra of storage proteins.

The prospective lines of competitive strain test (2012-2015) and new varieties of soft winter wheat bred at V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Wheat Institute  of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) of Ukraine were  investigated in the laboratory of ecological plant genetics and biotechnology at the Institute of Plant Protection of NAAS (Ukraine, Kyiv).

The alleles of the main gliadin loci were identified with the help of E.V. Metakovsky Catalogue with additions. The alleles HMW of glutenin subunits were identified with the help of Payne and Lawrence Catalogue.

To determine the genotype of breeding samples by marker loci for each sample, 5–10 grains were analyzed. To identify some alleles the spectra of the sample were compared with the spectra of varieties or lines with the known alleles by the loci of storage proteins. Gli-B1l allele is a marker of rye 1BL/1RS translocation. Gli-A1w allele is a marker of  rye 1AL/1RS translocation.

The potential mark of baking quality was determined according to the scale of P.I. Payne et al. (1987) based of genotypes by the loci Glu-A1, Glu-B1, Glu-D1 and considering the presence of 1BL/1RS translocation.

From 5 to 11 individual caryopsis of each number were analyzed by the electrophoresis of gliadins in the acidic conditions and by SDS-electrophoresis. The genotype of each caryopsis was recorded by loci of Gli-A1, Gli-B1, Gli-D1 gliadins and high molecular subunits of Glu-A1, Glu-B1, Glu-D1 glutenins. While analyzing the electrophoretic spectra to detect the impurities, we took into account the spectra of protein components encoded  with  Gli-2, Gli-A3 loci as well.

The genotypes of the new source material of soft winter wheat by the loci of Gli-A1, Gli-B1, Gli-D1 gliadins and high molecular subunits of  Glu-A1, Glu-B1, Glu-D1 glutenins were identified.

Rye 1AL/1RS translocation was identified in the sample Erythrospermum 37038 (Expromt / Erythrospermum 52259) / Columbia. The winter wheat varieties Columbia and Expromt involved in pedigree of this hybrid combination as parental components are the carriers of this translocation.

The rye 1BL/1RS translocation that carries resistance genes Pm8, Sr31, Lr26, Yr9 was identified in 15 genotypes, other three samples (Lutescens 36926, Ekonomka bulk population selection, Ekonomka) were heterogeneous by translocations.

It was revealed that Gli-A1b, Gli-A1x, Gli-B1l - marker of rye translocation, Gli-B1b, Gli-D1b, Glu-A1 a, Glu-A1b, Glu-B1c, Glu-D1d
are dominant alleles.

The potential mark of baking quality for the investigated samples based on the genotypes by the loci Glu-A1, Glu-B1, Glu-D1 considering the negative effect of presence of rye 1BL/1RS translocation on the dough quality was determined. Such samples as Erythrospermum 37189, Lutescens 37209, Ferrugineum 36258, Erythrospermum 36846, Erythrospermum 37157, Erythrospermum 37028  (Horlytsia Myronivs'ka), Lutescens 36832, 77558/05 bulk population selection, Ekonomka posess the highest quality mark of  9-10.

The samples with the alleles by Gli-1 loci which we did not previously meet in the varieties of Myronivka breeding – Ferrugineum 36258 (Gli-B1i), Erythrospermum 36844 (Gli-A1g), Lutescens 37129, Lutescens 35354, Lyutestsens 36756 (Gli-B1g) – were identified. The biotype that carries Gli-D1x (GLD 1D10) was detected in 37028 Erythrospermum sample (Horlytsia Myronivs'ka).

Key words: winter wheat, genotype, variety, locus, allele, storage proteins.


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