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The hydrophytic purificatoin of sewage water in Zhytomyr region biological ponds
The paper deals with the correlation between the quantity of indicator species in Zhytomyr oblast major rivers and their hydrochemical parameters. The water hyacints plants proved best developed in the sewage waters of Zhytoymrvodokanal municipal enterprise one can observe the improvement of all qualitative characteristics of water as concerns the biochemical indices - pH, alkalinity, total iron, phosphates, suspended substances, ChCO and BCO. Thus, the use of water hyacints in biological ponds of preliminary purification of sewage water proves efficient. The biochemical phytomass composition differs considerably in the various parts of the plants. In particular, more pollutants are observed in the plants root system which is in direct contact with sewage waters.
The work purpose was to determine the floristic and ecological features of indicator species composition of macrophytes and their ability to transform pollutants of natural and anthropogenic origin in order to phitomelioration water objects Zhytomyr region.
The research model was to built units for sewage treatment laboratory tests. These units allow the cleaning process periodically culturing organisms. In experimental units filled with water, brought to the station first ascent of Zhytoymrvodokanal municipal enterprise and waste water entering the treatment plant of Zhytoymrvodokanal municipal enterprise
Wastewater in the inlet rate was sharp putrid smell, BCO ranged from 300 to 400 mg O2 / l, suspended particles - 3500-4000 mg / dm³. In the samples output from all ponds BCO 5,ChCO and suspended particles decreased to 400-500 mg / dm³, 150-200 mg / dm³, 90-100 mg / dm³ respectively, in samples of all the options after week was no putrid odor, content of suspended substances was reduced to 100 mg / dm³, BCO 5 was 20 mg/dm³, there were traces of dissolved oxygen.
The research found that the best development in wastewaters of Zhytoymrvodokanal municipal enterprise received the third biological ponds plants, in which grow only plants of eychornya crassipes, so further research of fitomelioration functions of higher aquatic plants we conducted rehearsal of dynamics of water quality biochemical indicators.
When loading wastewater it was controlled under which conditions putrid (Dz) should be characterized with ball smell V. After one week in biological ponds odor decreased by two points. At the end of the month odor characterized as a weak mark II.
At the time of wastewater loading in the biological ponds they could be described as very muddy, till the end of the experiment the water was improved.
During the period of the experiment there was a trend to increasing pH, particularly in the early experiment pH went beyond the permissible 6,14-6,20. Within a week of cultivation of aquatic organisms in wastewater pH began to shift to the right and at the finish of experiment the challenges that exist for the composition and properties of water reservoirs of drinking water points (6,69-6,74). The concentration of nitrate tended to significant fluctuations, the general trend of mineral nitrogen reduction is generally not observed, which is typical for biological treatment plants. Throughout the study period fluctuations sulfate concentration was within 10%, indicating the reliability of the research, chloride content tended to minor fluctuations during the period of sinusoidal type research, however, significant deviations from the initial content was observed. In all studied variants decreased total iron concentration by an average of 44.36%. The concentration of suspended solids during the experiment decreased 6.3 times. During the first week of the experiment indicator BCO 5 dropped to 5 times. Also there was analyzed the biochemical composition of aquatic plant matter that were used in the purification of wastewater. Biochemical composition of phytomass varies considerably in different parts of plants, as monitored composition of surface and underwater plant parts. Phytomass of eychhornif is characterized by a high content of nitrogen, fat, mineral elements. It was established that the root system of plants eychhornia directly in contact with sewage, accumulates in 2-10 times more heavy metals than the ground phytomass. This indicates the intense water thanks progress to powerfully developed root system of the plant species.
Key words: aquatic plants, sewage waters, biological ponds, purification, pollution.
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