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Grey rot of one-year floral-decorative plants
As a result phytopathological survey agrocenosis annual flowering plants in the south-western part of the Kiev region elder Ukraine found that in 2008 and 2009 spread rot was not observed, and in 2010 and 2011 - limited distribution in the range from 1 to 9% in 2012 - a weak distribution from 5 to 25%. Established that gray mold Botrytis cinerea Pers. affects a number of annual flower ornamental plants of different origin, often the family Asteraceae, namely Callistephus chinensis Nees., Zinnia L., Dahlia Cav., Helianthus, and the representative of the family Cruciferae species Matthiola R. Br.; Leguminosae - Lathyrus odoratus L.; Primulaceae - Primula L.; Labiatae - Salvia L.; Solanaceae - Petunia Juss.; Scrophulariaceae - Antirrhinum majus L. - Minor distribution.Pathogen Botrytis cinerea affects all organs of plants: seeds, shoots, stems, leaves and buds. Characteristic appearances manifestation rot is browning and rotting of the affected tissues, gray air raid. In seed disease manifested as mildew and gray plaque on the stairs, young and adult plants - brown spots on the root neck, pidsim'yadolnomu knee on the leaves, stems and inflorescences, which in wet rot and covered with gray patina, which when touched dust. In dry conditions have the appearance of brown spots dry ulcers without flying, damaged organs turn yellow and die.To determine the damage various organs floral ornamentals pathogen Botrytis cinerea developed key definition of the disease.
Key words: Botrytis cinerea Pers, one-year floral-decorative plants, key of determination.
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