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Grapes drip irrigation regimes and their efciency
The influence of drip irrigation regimes on the yield of Rkatsiteli grapes, the efciency of irrigation water use, the formation of costs of natural, fnancial and energy resources in the South of Ukraine has been studied. The results of the study confrmed that the yield of grapes is not proportional to the consumption of irrigation water, but depends on the level of moisture in the local soil volume in the most important phases of development. It was found out that plants unimpeded water consumption during the entire growing season requires maximum (within 1134 m3/ha)irrigation water consumption and resources to ensure a high level of irrigation soil moisture, while plant yields increased by only 45–47 % compared to non-irrigated control. The regime of soil moisture during the frst half of the growing season did not have a signifcant effect on the number of fruit shoots that are indicators of their fertility. The most signifcant influence of moisture availability thresholds of the active layer of soil was manifested in the process of berry harvest formation. The total effect of the interaction of factors such as high soil moisture, more fruit shoots, their high fruiting and high average weight of the bunch provided the highest yield of grapes, which amounted to 11.3– 11.7 t/ha, or 47.4 % more than with a control area. In the conditions of the economical irrigation regime, at the level of 100–70 % of HB during the whole period of vegetation of plants, the average yield of berries was 10.7 t/ha, which exceeds by 37.1 % similar indicators of the control area. A detailed analysis of the results of the experiment shows that the irrigation regime differently affects the effciency of the main resource-irrigation water, the cost of which for the formation of 1 ton of berries with unimpeded moisture (100–80 % HB), during the growing season, is 476 m3/t. The most economically used irrigation water in the economical irrigation mode at the level of 100–70 % HB reduces the specifc water consumption to 266 m3/t. In the area of this variant, the yield of berries was 10.5 t/ha, ie decreased by 8.6 %, while the specifc water consumption decreased by 38.3 %, compared with similar indicators of the area with unimpeded inflow of moisture.
Key words: grapes, Rkatsiteli, drip irrigation, berry yield, irrigation regime, moisture defciency, irrigation water.
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