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Fungicides and micronutrients effect on sugar beet plants biological parameters


The article deals with the issue of foliar forms of micronutrients and fungicides application in modern hybrids of sugar beet. The research was conducted under the conditions of the Central Steppe of Ukraine.

On the basis of the research on studying the effect of micronutrients and fungicides on sugar beet productivity it has been found that the use of micronutrients complex and sugar beet protection from diseases with fungicides allows to generate maximum performance of the photosynthetic apparatus in sugar beet plants. By August10, the maximum area of sugar beet leaf surface in the experiment was 36.2 thousand m2/ha on average, while in Olzhych hybrid – 35.9 and in hybrid Bulava – 36.4 thousand m2/ha.

Leaf surface area in Olzhych hybrid was 33.6 and in Bulava – 34.1 thousand m2/ha with the use of Ca + microfertilizers, but the introduction of Bor + Molybdenum contributed to increasing this figure to 35.6 and 36.1 thousand m2/ha respectively. The use of Micro Beet fertilizer ensured formation of leaf surface in Olzhych hybrid of 37.6 and in Bulava hybrid of 38.1 thousand m2/ha, while a mixture of the fertilizers ensured 40.0 and 40.6 thousand m2/ha respectively. Yet, we have not seen significant difference between different versions of fungicide protection, and the difference in leaf surface areas in the control variant and the ones protected with fungicides stayed mainly within 0.4-2.2 thousand m2/ha.

Photosynthesis productivity depends primarily on the sugar beet leaf surface area, which is regulated through creation of optimal structure of sowing. This, in turn, causes a major problem in the size of plants assimilative surface - it should cover completely the surface of the soil during the plants growing season. However, most of the crop at the beginning and in the second half of the vegetation do not provide such a cover. Therefore, one of the efficient ways to better use of photosynthetically active radiation is to create conditions for accelerated development of the leaf apparatus at the beginning of the growing season through the use of intensifying factors, including fertilizers, moisture conditions, growth factors and other factors and its protection during the growing season.

By August 10, photosynthetic potential of sugar beet crop made 0.90 mln m2 days/ha. If you analyze the average within the same version of the plants fertilizing, the use of Ca + micro ensured formation of photosynthetic capacity at the level of 0.85 mln m2 days/ha in Olzhych hybrid and 0.87 mln m2 days/ha in Bulava hybrid. Adding Bor + Molybdenum for feeding provided the figure of 0.88 and 0.91 mln m2 days/ha, respectively, and the use of Micro-beet – 0.92 and 0.95 mln m2 days/ha. The maximum photosynthetic capacity indicators in sugar beet hybrids were obtained under the use of micronutrients mixture – Olzhych 0.97 mln m2 days/ha and Bulava – 100 mln m2 days/ha.

 Valuable weight of the yield (roots + tops) dry matter is the general indicator of the performance of different crops. The level of 14.0-16.0 of dry matter, 16.0-18.0 and even 20.0-22.0 t / ha on the irrigated fields is considered sufficient level of crop productivity for the conditions of Ukraine.

The net productivity of photosynthesis as by August 10 was 8.90 g of dry matter per m2 of the leaf area per day on average in the experiment. It should be noted that at the given time average figure for Olzhych hybrid was 7.21 g of dry matter per m2 of the leaf area a day and on Bulava hybrid – 10.58 g of dry matter per m2 of the leaf area a day.

Applying fungicides contributed to photosynthesis intensification in general, as well as to root crop growth and spare nutrients accumulation in it. Thus, compared with the variants without applying Falcon protection fungicide the net photosynthetic productivity increased by 0.39-0.78 g of dry matter per m2 of the leaf area a day on the crops in hybrid Olzhych and by 0.69-0.84 g of dry matter per m2 of the leaf area a day in Bulava hybrid crops. Applying Alto Super fungicide as a protection measures provided increase in the net photosynthesis productivity by 0.76-1.01 g of dry matter per m2 of the leaf area a day (Olzhych) and by 0.88-1.68 g of dry matter per m2 of the leaf area a day (Bulava).

Key words: sugar beet, fertilizers, fungicides, net photosynthesis productivity, photosynthetic potential, leaf surface area.




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