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Forming sowing qualities of millet seeds depending on the influence of a predecessor and fertilization
Today, in seed studies there is a sufficient amount of material on seed heterogeneity but agrotechnical side of this problem is not fully researched. This is especially true about millet seed. In this regard it is important to develop the theoretical foundations of sowing qualities and yielding properties of seeds depending on a number of agronomic conditions, including the selection of predecessors. It helps to understand more the causes of declining field similarity, to identify the new opportunities of prediction for increasing quality of seeds and their derivatives – seed productivity and yield of millet seed.
The aim of the research was to improve elements of technology growing high-quality seeds of millet by selecting predecessors that will provide improvement of yielding properties of millet seeds in conditions of unstable moistening of southern River Right-Bank Forest area.
Field studies were made during 2005-2007 on the experimental field of educational and research complex of Uman National University of Horticulture, which is situated in Mankivka natural agricultural region of Middle Dnieper-Bug river district in Right Bank Forest-Steppe province of Ukraine.
There are three-factor field experiment: influence of a predecessor, aftereffect of fertilized ground, a fertilized ground of millet. Influence on sowing and yielding seed properties was carried out by all these factors:
Factor A (predecessors): peas, winter wheat, sugar beet, buckwheat.
Factor B (fertilized ground of a millet predecessor): without fertilizer (control); millet predecessor: peas N50P50K50; winter wheat N60P60K60; sugar beet N150P150K150; buckwheat N45P45K45.
Factor C (fertilized ground of millet): without fertilizer (control), N60P60K60.
Sowing quality of seeds formed on maternal plants was tested in laboratory conditions, in autumn, during the period of harvest, and by its planting for next year (first seed offspring, 2006-2008) on the fertilized ground N60P60K60, the predecessor was winter wheat.
For sowing we used mid ripening millet variety Zolotyste. Method of sowing is the usual line, seeding rate – 3.5 million units, similar seeds/ha.
As a result of research the following conclusions were:
the highest seed yield was formed in variants of fertilized predecessors, followed by millet sowing on the fertilized ground (according to the level of 44.9 – 46.5 kg/ha) that is significantly different (at 2.0-12.0 kg/ha) of similar indicators for other variants of predecessor fertilizing and directly millet seed sowing;
among the studied factors the greatest influence on the yield of maternal plant seeds in average for years of research had the direct fertilization of millet (41.7%) and predecessors (33.5%) and predecessors themselves (15.9%). The effect of interacting these factors was much less;
the most valuable seeds with high viability and vitality are formed after the fertilized peas and winter wheat, followed by millet sown on fertilized ground;
the weather conditions of vegetation year of maternal plants had a significant influence on quality of sowing material – the more disadvantaged conditions were in which the process of seed formation was, the higher its vitality, viability and yielding properties were.
Key words: millet, seeds, predecessor, fertilization, sowing qualities, harvest properties.
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