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Formation photosynthetic apparatus of pea depending on the influence fertilizers and growth regulators under forest steppes of Ukraine
Plant leaf surface is in close relation with the performance of photosynthesis. One of the effective ways to better use of solar radiation is to ensure the accelerated development of assimilating surface at the beginning of the growing season through the use of fertilizers and growth regulators and a slowdown in its dying phase-forming pouring beans.
The aim of research was to study the formation of the main indicators of photosynthetic productivity of crops of peas, including the size of leaf surface area, yield and crude protein content in varieties of peas.
As a result of studies found that both in 2015 and in 2016, varieties of peas form different size of leaf surface. The most favorable conditions for the formation of optimum optical and biological structure of crops of peas in 2016 consist in its cultivation using a complex mineral fertilizer and growth regulators Biovit + Rehoplant, Biovit + Ahrostymulin and Freia-Akva + Rehoplant, Freia-Akva + Ahrostymulin. While in 2015 also poor results were obtained in variants using fertilizers Freia-Akva for the variety Uliublenets and Biovit for the variety Yulii, which requires further investigation.
Peas yield varies depending on the use of various combinations of fertilizer + growth regulator. Average data indicate that the greatest yield both in 2015 and in 2016 provided a sort of 'favorite' by spraying a mixture of mineral fertilizers and growth regulators Biovit + Rehoplant and Freia-Akva + Rehoplant and the indicator was – 3,11 and 3.22 t/ha. By spraying a mixture of mineral fertilizers and growth regulators Biovit + Rehoplant yield to was sort of Yulii – 3,82 t/ha. Not getting poor results when using a combination of mineral fertilizers and growth regulators Biovit + Ahrostymulin yield varieties was Uliublenets – 2.9 t/ha and Yulii – 3,38 t/ha. The lowest yield noted in both varieties without the use of technological methods.
In our studies of protein maximum fee in 2016 was obtained in the version of the application Freia-Akva + Rehoplant grade for Uliublenets and amounted to 0.74 t/ha for the variety Yulii – 0,87 t/ha in variant the use of Biovit + Rehoplant, which is primarily due to the receipt of the highest productivity in these embodiments year study.
The highest productivity was observed in a variety Yulii in 2015 – 3.13 t/ha, in 2016 – 3.38 t/ha in the processing of mineral fertilizer budding Biovit + Rehoplant.
The positive effect of fertilizers and growth regulators Biovit + Rehoplant on the content of crude protein and protein per hectare fee for the Uliublenets – 0,70 t/ha., For the variety Yulii – 0,71 t/ha in 2015 year. In 2016 the best results were obtained in variant using Biovit + Rehoplant grade for Yulii – 0,87 t/ha, and Freia-Akva + Rehoplant grade for Uliublenets – 0,74 t/ha.
Key words: peas, leaf surface area, yield, protein, fertilizers, growth regulators.
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