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Formation of elements of the structure the crop of corn hybrids under the influence of measures of cultivation technology

The main elements in the yield structure of the corn are formed depending on many factors. The elements of cultivation, along with the meteorological ones and the selection of hybrids take important place in this prosses. For the conditions of the left-bank Forest Steppe, we have researched complex scientific questions in the field of the peculiarities for the formation of the elements of the corn yield structure depending on the type of nitrogen fertilizers, foliar fertilizer application, the frequency of its application and the plant phenological stages. It is actuality for the chosen direction of scientific research. Accordingly, the goal of scientific research is to establish the peculiarities of the formation of the elements of the yield structure for corn depending on the technological elements in the cultivation.

Field and laboratory methods were used in the research process. The statistical method was carried out using the SAS 9.4 package. The field trials were made in the field crop rotation of Bogatyrivske FG, Sumy Region, which is in the northern part of the Left Bank Forest Steppe. The period of research was 2019–2021.

The soil of the research area is dark gray forestry. The object of the study is hybrids of corn of the medium-ripening group EC Asteroid (FAO 290.) and EC Concord (FAO 250). The types of nitrogen fertilizers and foliar fertilizers application by Humilin Stimul fertilizer according to the phenological stage in plant and the frequency of their application.

The needing of application for UAN 32 in the nitrogen rate of 120 kg per hectare has been established. And foliar application with Humilin Stimul fertilizer at the rate of 3 kg/ha in the microstage 17–19 according to the BBCH scale was effective to. These fertilizers application increased the main the elements of the corn yield structure, and therefore, the total corn yield too.

The increase in the value of structural elements for corn yield in the left-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine optimizes to the maximum realization of the genetic potential of the corn hybrids productivity with the application of nitrogen fertilizer UAN 32 and Humilin Stimul fertilizer in top dressing.

Key words: corn, hybrids, productivity, nitrogen fertilizers, Humilin Stimul.


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