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Florina variety apple productivity formation on the background of foliar nourishing with the Terrasorb Complex
The main purpose of plant stimulants use of is to increase the yield of fruit crops by stimulating generative and vegetative organs as well as by photosynthetic apparatus activity and area increase.
Recent studies reveal the multifunctional impact of amino acids introduced into the folio on the fruit crops vital functions, in particular their yield, yields quality, productivity, and resistance to stress factors.
One of the features of apple trees generative development is the creation of an excessive amount of ovary, but only a small part of it is used for the crop, about 5-12 % of the total number of flowers per plant. The ovary fall that takes place in several stages - approximately 3-5 % falls immediately after blossoming, 80 to 85 % falls during the "June blooming". Only the productive ovary remains on the tree after that.
In turn, the ovary fall degree depends on many factors – moisture level, the flowers pollination degree, pruning in the previous season, mineral nutrition. It should also be noted that more than 20 % preservation of the ovary on the tree negatively affects the hormonal balance of plants (auxins/cytokinins), causes the generative buds differentiation of into vegetative ones, which reduces the fruiting in the next period. Some researchers point to a decrease in the fall level and an increase in the number of productive ovary after the use of amino acids of different origins.
That is why the purpose of our research was to study the effectiveness of the Therrasorb Complex drug on the formation of qualitative and quantitative parameters of the apple crop on Florin variety.
The research was carried out during 2016 in the laboratory of quality on the «Yablunevyi Dar» processing plant as well as on the fields of the TB Garden Ltd, which is part of the TB Fruit group of companies. The samples were taken from the industrial garden planted in 2011 with the tree placement scheme of 2x4 m, with the spindle crone shape, the MM106 root, the system of soil retention – natural retention.
Root treatment of the trees was carried out with the Terrasorb Complex drug at different times. Therrasorb Complex is a drug based on free amino acids and produced by the exclusive technology of enzymatic hydrolysis (amino acids – 21 %, N – 2.1 %, B – 0.02 %, Zn – 0.07 %, Mn – 0-0.04 %).
As a result, of field records, it was found that the number of buds did not differ significantly between the treatment options of the drug Therrasorb Complex. However, the number of fruits on the tree after the June ovary fall significantly differed from the control in the variants of tree cultivation – until blossoming + the "walnut" phase of fruit development and after blossoming + walnut phase. It can be concluded that the trees treatment with Therrasorb Complex drug after blossoming positively affects the preservation of useful ovary on the trees.
The study results reveal that a significant effect on Florin variety apple fruit size increase occurred according to the schemes of plants treatment with the Therrasorb Complex drug: after blossoming; after blossoming + the "walnut" phase of fruit development; the "walnut" phase of fruit development + 4 weeks before harvesting by 20,8-24,5 g.
It is established that the increase in yield per tree ranges from 0.57 to 10.88 kg as compared with the control. The schemes of the "walnut" phase of fruit development processing, after blossoming + the "walnut" phase of fruit development; the "walnut" phase of fruit development; the "walnut" phase of fruit development + 4 weeks before harvesting should be pointed out. The maximum yield increase is typical for double treatment with the Terrasorb Complex drug after blossoming and in the "walnut" phase of fruit development which is 10.88 kg/tree, or 13.6 tons/ha.
The biochemical studies result reveal the maximum improvement in the biochemical composition of apple tree fruit is typical for the plants treatment in the stage of development of the walnut fetus and 4 weeks before harvesting. It is this scheme of foliage feeding of apple plants that can be recommended to improve the biochemical composition of apple fruit.
Key words: apple tree, foliar nutrition, amino acids, dry substances, useful ovary, gross harvest.
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