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The fertilization selectivity as a possible cause of a biological contaminations in the triticale seed-growing sowing

The biological contaminations be a consequence of the spontaneous inter variety hybridization. The biological contaminations can to reduce the varietal purity of the seed-growing sowing triticale. The spontaneous hybridization is determined by the flowering biology in triticale. Triticale genotype includes in the genome of the autogamic crop – wheat and the genome of the xenogamy crop – rye. To consider that the rye genome influences to increase ability of a triticale to spontaneous hybrids in the seed-growing sowing can be determined by fertilization selectivity.

The results of the study of fertilization selectivity in winter hexaploid triticale varieties are presented in this investigation. Fertilization selectivity in progamic stage was determined as a percent germinated pollen grains on the pistil stigmas and as a pollen tubes length. It is supposed if fertilization selectivity is presented in the investigated triticale variety; the preferable pollen will be germinated better on its pistil stigmas. And pollen tubes length will be longer in that case. In the event of the fertilization selectivity absence in a triticale variety the germinated pollen grain percent on the pistil stigmas will be approximately similar when it pollination were realized by the own pollen or by another triticale variety pollen. And pollen tubes length will be approximately similar as well.

There are winter hexaploid triticale varieties with white spikes (recessive sign) were used as a investigated model objects (Germes, Valentin, line 21759|97). Its flowers were emasculated and isolated before blossoming. Then part of them were pollinated by own pollen (self-pollination) and other part of emasculated flowers were pollinated by the pollen of another triticale varieties with red spike (dominant sign). These varieties are Vodoley and Presto. The fixation pollinated flowers were realized in a different time after pollination (after 20, 45, 60, 90 and 120 min). Fixer were consist three parts of 96% ethyl spirit and one part of acetic acid. Then the histological squash stained preparations of the pistil stigmas were prepared. The light microscope was used for observation germinated pollen numbers on the pistil stigmas, and luminescent microscope – for pollen tubes length measurement.

There were found that investigated triticale varieties are differed in its ability of the fertilization selectivity in a progamic stage. The presence of an own pollen preference were observed in the variety Germes. Pistil stigmas of the line 21759|97 preferred pollen of another triticale variety. And variety Valentin did not have preference anithing pollen.

The fertilization selectivity in the postgamic stage of fertilization were studied by the correlation of the hybrid (red-spike) and unhybrid (white spike) plants, which were received from pollination of emasculated flowers of the investigated triticale varieties by pollen mixture. Pollen mixture included 50% own pollen of the variety with white spike and 50% another red-spike triticale variety pollen. It is showing that variety Germes and line 21759|97 have fertilization selectivity. The first variety preferred own pollen (a number white-spike plants where major more than the hybrid red-spike plants). Number plants with white and red spike color in the variety Valentin were approximately similar.

Like this, our results are convincing confirmation of a presence the fertilization selectivity in the investigated triticale varieties.

Varietal differences in winter hexaploid triticale necessary use in organization the seed-production work.

Key words: triticale, seed production, fertilization selectivity.



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