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Features of inheritance of grains number of the main ear of soft winter wheat during hybridization of forest-steppe, steppe and western European ecotypes

The article presents the results of research on the features inheritance of the number of grains of the main ear in F1 by hybridization of varieties soft winter wheat of various ecotypes. The purpose of the research was to establish the formation of grains number in the main ear of parental forms and hybrids of the first generation for determination of the degree of phenotypic dominance and the inheritance type in F1 by reciprocal crosses of wheat varieties of soft winter forest-steppe, steppe and western European ecotypes. During 2022–2023 the research was conducted in the conditions of the experimental field of the educational and production center of Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University. We studied 30 hybrid combinations created by varieties hybridization: «Zorepad bilotserkivskyi», «Kvitka poliv» – forest-steppe ecotype; «Lastivka odes’ka», «Znahidka odes’ka» – steppe ecotype; «Mulan», «Fidelius» – western European ecotype. High indicators of the number of grains (55.4– 74.2 pcs.) in 2022 the following hybrids were formed: ♀ «Kvitka poliv» / ♂ «Zorepad bilotserkivskyi»; «Zorepad bilotserkivskyi» ↔ «Lastivka odes’ka»; «Zorepad bilotserkivskyi» ↔ «Znahidka odes’ka»; «Zorepad bilotserkivskyi» ↔ «Fidelius»; «Znahidka odes’ka» ↔ «Fidelius»; «Lastivka odes’ka» ↔ «Fidelius». In 2023 in terms of the grains number (51.8–64.9 pcs.) the best hybrids were the following: ♀ «Zorepad bilotserkivskyi» / ♂ «Kvitka poliv»; «Kvitka poliv» ↔ «Lastivka odes’ka»; ♀ «Znahidka odes’ka» / ♂ «Mulan»; ♀ «Znahidka odes’ka» ↔ «Fidelius»; ♀ «Lastivka odes’ka» / ♂ «Mulan». Positive overdominance in 2022–2023 was found in 19 out of 30 crossbreeding combinations, among which, based on the high stable manifestation of the grains number in the main ear, the following varieties stood out: «Kvitka poliv» ↔ «Lastivka odes’ka»; «Zorepad bilotserkivskyi» ↔ «Fidelius»; «Znahidka odes’ka» ↔ «Fidelius»; «Znahidka odes’ka» ↔ «Mulan»; «Mulan» ↔ «Fidelius». Thus, high rates of grains number were formed in F1 , obtained by reciprocal crosses: forest-steppe ecotype with steppe, forest-steppe with western European, steppe with western European, western European with western European.

Key words: soft winter wheat, variety, parental forms, hybrids, number of grains number in main ear, inheritance type.


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