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The features of crop rotation in ground greenhouses and greenhouse of myroniv phytotron and greenhouse complex

Restoring soil fertility and maintain it at the proper level has been the main challenge in agricultural production. The importance of this issue is due to levels of soil fertility which is able to provide a stable yield and quality of agricultural products. Particularly acute is the issue of phytotron and greenhouse complexes, namely soil greenhouses and greenhouses by studying the dynamics of biotic and abiotic components of the soil, the value of which depends on soil fertility, yield and quality of agricultural production and use of these objects in the selection process without replacing them in the soil.

It is an important issue in phytotron and greenhouse complex. The research was devoted to the studying of the dynamics of biotic and abiotic components of the soil that affect on the soil fertility in greenhouses, yield and quality of agricultural products, and their use in the selection process without replacing them in the soil.

We used specific crops in ground greenhouses (oilseeds crops, grain crops, vegetables). The soil fatigue and reduce crop appeared in numerous recurring crops in the same place as in monoculture formed depleted microbial communities. The inactivation of microbial communities inhibits mineralization of organic matter and nutrient mobilization, leading to the accumulation of phytotoxic substances. The monoculture communities involve a number of representatives of pathogenic biota, such as microscopic nematodes.

The question about the soil fatigue in the field and in greenhouses is still researching and promoting an extensive study of the microbiological properties of soil and greenhouses.

Microbiological studies were carried out with fresh soil samples by soil dilutions method on tight and liquid culture media, guided by appropriate methods in the laboratory of soil microbiology of the Institute of Agricultural Microbiology NAAN.

The total number and the group composition of micro flora in soil samples account from the area of arable soil. N. N. Dzyubenko and E.A. Golovko (1977) noted that soil fatigue phenomenon can be removed only by the organic fertilizers in permanent crops of wheat. Soil fatigue under the field crops in monoculture is a natural phenomenon and may be due to the properties of soils and toxic substance out of soil microorganisms during plant decay. Soil fatigue is based on a specific interaction between soil, plants and microorganisms. However, this question is still poorly understood .

The results of soil microbiological research are proving the points of view of authors that it is necessary to introduce the crop rotation, which provides an extension the period of the using soil in greenhouses and increase their profitability.

It is shown that the introduction crop rotation improves the biological activity of the soil, creates better conditions for intensive development processes related to the cycling of matter in the greenhouse soil, which promotes optimal growth and development of crops.

Key words: greenhouse, glasshouse, soil, crop rotation, phytotron greenhouse complex. 



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