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Features accumulation of radionuclides 137Cs and 90Sr higher aquatic plants in conditions of radioactive pollution of reservoirs Lisostep

Peculiarities of radionuclide accumulation 137Cs and 90Sr in higher aquatic plants growing on the bottom soils of different types. The main macrophytes studied representatives of air-water plants - common reed (Phragmites australis) and cattail angustifolia (Typha angustifolia). Found that the level of accumulation of radionuclides in plants will depend on their content in the sediments and the type of sediment. Thus, the lowest activity of 137Cs and 90Sr fixed in cattails and reeds that grew on the sandy bottom soils. The highest levels of these radionuclides observed in plants grown on sand heavily silted with detritus. The results show that between the activity of 137Cs and 90Sr in the vegetative part of higher aquatic plants and their activity in the sediments there is a direct linear relationship. Studies show that the accumulation of radionuclides 137Cs and 90Sr higher aquatic plants depends on the density of benthic pollution, soil type and species of the plant.

Key words: higher aquatic plants, bottom sediments, radionuclides 137Cs, 90Sr.



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