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Evaluation of varieties and local forms of winter garlic for their economic characteristics in the conditions of right bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine

Garlic production for the local market and for export lacks a suffi cient amount of high-yielding varieties with large bulbs and small amount of cloves, resistant to pests, diseases and stressful cultivation conditions. In addition to industrial varieties, adapted local forms of self-breeding are currently cultivated. Winter garlic is a plant with vegetative reproduction and it is reproduces with cloves, single clove and air bulbs, Therefore, the varieties brought from other regions degenerate quickly. Two and three times reproduction leads to a gradual reduction in yield and quality. The transfer of local forms from one region to another requires further study. Researches were carried out in conditions of right bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine. We studied 60 samples of winter garlic. The working collection of winter garlic was composed of varieties and local forms brought from Kyiv, Chernihiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Kirovograd and Cherkassy regions. Some samples (45 pcs.) were received from the National Center of Plant Genetic Resources of Ukraine. The variety of Prometey created at Uman University of gardening was used as the control. The research was conducted according to the "Methods of experimental work in vegetable growing and melon-plot fi eld" (G. L. Bondarenko, K. I. Yakovenko, Kharkiv 2001). The plants density was 340 thousand plants ha.
On the average for 2017-2020 the heads formed the largest diameter in the variants of IOB00003-Biryuchekutskiy local (55 mm) and IOB00117 (53 mm). Their average weight was the highest in the sample of IOB00117 – 41 g. The smallest heads were formed in the variant of IOB00083 Spas – 17 g. Essentially higher yield of heads of winter garlic was collected from cultivation of plants of the variant IOB00117 – 12,6 t/ha. The greatest share of commodity heads was observed for samples IOB00003-Biryuchekutskiy local and IOB00117 (92 %).

Thus, samples of IOB00003-Biryuchekutskiy local and IOB00117 were the best in the diameter, weight of a head and productivity among the samples studied in the research carried. They yielded 9.6 and 12.6 t/ha, respectively, with head weights of 31 and 41 g and the diameter of 55 and 53 cm.
Key words: varieties, local forms, collection, winter garlic, weight of the bulb, marketability.

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