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Evaluation of basic collection on stability against tobacco diseases
The article deals with basic materials immunological assessment collection (291 sample) for resistance against diseases. Studied samples, mostly created by breeders Transcarpathian Institute APV, but are characterized by different genetic basis that can provide sources of resistance in breeding. Based on detailed immunological assessment during the last 4 years using cluster analysis identified groups with different levels of resistance, a combination of complex traits and resistance group was formed attribute collection
(45 samples) with field resistance of diseases and especially valuable economic grounds. Sources of resistance offered for use in breeding programs of research institutions. In the western part of Ukraine most harmful pathogens tobacco in recent years is the VBT, trunk tobacco UCMJ and nepovirus tobacco ring spot (VKPT). A detailed study of the symptoms, diagnosis, evaluation methods and stages of breeding material provides entirely new opportunities in breeding for resistance group in conjunction with valuable economic grounds. Highlight 45 varieties, which are part of the basic framework for the collection and attribute collections on group stability. Varieties Ergo 23, Burley 320A, Sobolchskyy 312, Sobolchskyy 186, Ukrainian 85, 200, and brave Burley giant combine high performance and quality of tobacco leaves, and can be introduced in production.
Key words: tobacco, Tomato spotted wilt virus, licopersicum virus 5, Potato virus Y, attribute collection, donors stability.
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