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The environmental factors impact on soft winter wheat new sorts potential implementation
It has been established that new soft winter wheat varieties show profound response to specific agro ecological conditions in their cultivation. To solve the environmental adaptability problem and unleash the potential of performance for each ecological region varieties with optimal genetic information program should be chosen that would embody the highest useful features number and properties and implement a differentiated approach to their placement in the agro-climatic zones, sub- and micro zones, as well as environmental regions in compliance with the selection and biological properties of natural environmental conditions varieties, agronomic and economic environment in which they grow and natural adaptive capacity. There has been defined sub- and micro zones and geographic points new-registered varieties are advisable to place at. Nowadays, global trends increasing winter wheat productivity are solved in two ways: by improving agro technological methods and by improving farming and breeding systems and genetic varieties improvement, making new genotypes corresponding to the productivity level and food quality grain. In many European countries the agricultural production processes intensification are characterized by very high energy and specific resource. The use of man-made products in agricultural technology often leads to the ecological balance disruption and the transformed agricultural ecosystems formation. According to the winter wheat cultivation in different soil and climatic conditions and farming absolute productivity levels and other agronomically-valuable properties in different varieties vary, but varietal characteristics forming performance for each class are stored. No matter where ecological and geographical locations genotypes were established, their selection and biological properties they should comply with the agro-ecological cultivation place conditions and they should conform to appropriate soil and climatic cultivation zones. In this regard, more attention should be paid to deeper varieties that are marked by stable yield and grain quality in different weather conditions and different ecological conditions years. New varieties should be characterized by small size variability of quantitative traits that are most related to performance. However, the current varieties state registration obtained results do not outline zonal features, ecological and adaptive approach to realizing the productivity potential, the use and varieties placement in agro-climatic zones and subzones, micro zones and therefore does not promote the all possibilities grade use, that does not take into account the environmental sorts selection and placement principle. New-registered varieties depend on varietal characteristics and environmental growing region characterized by significant grain productivity differences. Consequently, environmental factors and successful certain soil-climatic zones and sub-, micro zones varieties placement or geographical locations is largely dependent on the genetic potential realization, size and yield stability in years and the particular variety effectiveness. This is especially noticeable in bad years, stressful situations or insufficient resources for agro technological process, significant errors, mistakes or simplifications in farming techniques. The result is that varieties sometimes fall into conditions that do not meet their biological properties, leading to a decrease in performance. New-registered soft winter wheat varieties exhibit profound response to specific agro ecological conditions in their cultivation. Successfully to unleash the performance potential is necessary to introduce a differentiated approach to their placement in the agro-climatic zones, subzones, micro zones and geographical locations in compliance with the selection and biological natural environmental conditions varieties properties, agronomic and economic environment in which they grow and natural adaptive capacity. For each ecological region should be chosen varieties with optimal genetic information program that would embody the highest useful features and properties number.
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